Monday, August 18, 2014

Life Lately

I've been slacking on blogging lately and honestly I have no excuses!

My last day at Hobby Lobby was July 31st and I don't start my nanny job until September 2nd so I have enjoyed being able to sit by the pool and soak up the sun though since we didn't have much of that in Washington or New York. However, I'm so excited to start working again, especially since I'll be watching a newborn all day. I can't think of a better job! :]

Brad finished his first semester of Dental School on August 12th and I have loved having him around all week long. We have been busy sitting by the pool, beach, and eating more sweet treats than we probably should. He starts his fall semester tomorrow and will be taking 26 credits hours so he will definitely be a busy guy.

My parents came to visit us this past weekend and we loved having them here! We went to the beach, explored beautiful downtown, ate lots of delicious food, and my parents were even kind enough to take pictures for our 2 year anniversary!

Charleston has been so good to us! We love it here and have enjoyed this summer even though we have been working/ going to school for the most of it! I personally am so excited for all things fall: cooler weather, layers and boots, and yummy scents and treats!