I know I have been slacking on the blog. I'm sorry about that. I would say I've been busy but truth is I'm just either doing school work, house work, shopping, or soaking up the time I have with Mancub. So here is what has been on my mind for awhile that I feel the need to get off my chest, nothing serious...just a little rant/rambling.
I started following a blog. I won't name what blog, because I don't feel the need to. I left a comment on this blog complimenting the girls outfit and the girl replied telling me that she hopes she can help my fashion sense. Um, excuse me?! 1. I don't even know you. 2. I have never done a outfit post in my life, so how can you judge whether or not I am fashionable? 3. If I want your help I will ask for it.
After the remark I thought about my blog for the next week. I didn't start my blog to be a fashion blogger. I think it's silly that people spend so much on clothes that probably won't fit them forever. Plus most of the girls who are fashion bloggers are like a size 0 so everything looks good on them. Some of us however are not size 0, and that is okay. I just feel like fashion bloggers are not realistic. This same blogger also has an insta gram which is how I found her blog in the first place, everyday she asks if her outfit is post worthy. I think that is sad that you even have to ask that. If you like it post it, if you don't well pretend it never happened and go on with your life.Why are you dressing to impress people you will probably never meet? Which brings me to another point that has been running through my mind.
After this whole incident it's like every blog post I read mentioned how they wanted to simplify their blogs, go back to the reason they started their blogs. Many are new moms who feel guilty for taking a break from blogging to spend that precious time with their adorable little ones who are growing too fast. Bloggers who feel guilty when their normal routine post isn't up or they miss a day of blogging. I never want that to be me and I didn't make this blog to be a priority in my life, I didn't create this blog hoping that one day I would make money off of it. Don't get me wrong, I love blogging. It lets me share our journey through every day life, but I never want to feel guilty for not posting, or not being a fashion blogger, or not writing the same themed post every Thursday. I started this blog to document our life together and that is what it will be. If I share a recipe every now and then, great (probably won't happen, but if I find an out of this world recipe I'm more than willing to share). If I wake up one day and put on the cutest outfit ever and document it, hooray!
I know why I created this blog and that's what I'm sticking too:)
Thanks for letting me rant/ramble
Happy Hump Day!