Friday, December 30, 2016

7 months recap

I'm beginning to think I should blog more often just because Brynn changes so much daily and weekly that by the end of the month its hard to remember it all and she is at such a fun stage that I don't want to forget any of it.

The beginning of 7 months was hard. Girlfriend was testing me in the patience department. She regressed in sleep and would wake every 2-3 hours for a week straight. I know to many of you that is your every day and I am so sorry. Even as a newborn she would sleep 4 hour stretches so this was completely new to me and I thought I was going to die. Thankfully we all made it out alive ;) Even better than making it out alive was the fact that at 7 months Brynn started sleeping through the night consistently. Game Changer.

Still no crawling this month but getting closer every day. She began to really get on her knees and rock and has mastered crawling backwards. It is the funniest thing to watch but girl knows how to get to where she wants to be.

We spent a lot of time outside before it got too cold. Many afternoons we would walk to the park and swing and we even met some friends at the beach for a picnic. Have I mentioned that we love living in Charleston?!

Brynn has become even more of a talker/grunter this month. Her voice is a little deeper than what I thought it would be but I'm kind of glad because I can live without the high pitched squeals that little girls are known for. She cries for mama now and it really just pulls at my heart strings.She has become quite the mamas girl and it's no secret that I love it. I can be the baby hog whenever I want because she likes it! haha.

Brynn also met Santa two times this month and we never had tears! Woohoo. She was a little hesitant but we could always get a few smiles out of her. Her Honey also did an advent calendar with Christmas books for her that she loved unwrapping every single day.

We are already 13 days into her 8 months and we can't believe how much she is growing. It makes us so sad to know we are closer to her year mark than we are to the day she changed our lives but we wouldn't trade one single day. We love you to the moon and back, baby girl.