It blows my mind that I am sitting here typing up Brynn's 9 month recap. She's been out as long as she was in! And sadly I feel like time goes a million times faster on this side of it. This past month has been SO fun with Brynn. I think I say that every month, but life with Brynn literally keeps getting better and better!
This month we had a lot of adventures with Brynn. We took her to the aquarium for the first time. She was terrified of the fish and thought they would swim through the glass and get her! Thankfully she has grown to love it the more we go. We have also visited a few plantations which are not Brynn's favorite thing to do but we have to do them while we are still in Charleston!
We have done a lot of beach days! One of the best parts about southern winters is that they are warm enough to sit on the shore. I was interested to see what she would do with the sand now that she is capable of crawling. The first few times we took her she wanted nothing to do with it. She would just sit on the blanket and watch the waves. If her hand even touched the sand she would hold them up to me to wipe them off. That is not the case now. She will try to eat the sand and shells. Gotta watch that girl at the beach now. We bought her some sand toys for this summer but right now she just enjoys chewing on them!
Brynn this month has really transitioned herself to table food rather than her pureed baby food and it's been so fun to have her try new things off of our plates. The girl sure loves to eat.
She has also become more clingy this month. Honestly, this can be exhausting for me as I spend all day holding a baby and getting nothing done. But, that option seems better than listening to a baby cry all day and I prayed day and night for a snuggly baby so I got what I asked for!
We love our baby girl so much and can't wait to see what happens during her 10th month of life. We are hoping it brings her some new teeth!!
p.s. I apologize for the horrible picture quality. I always try to use random pictures from my phone on the blog because I feel like if I don't they will never be seen by anyone but myself and some of them are too cute not to share!