Saturday, February 1, 2014

Sometimes you just have to let it out

I wish I was good at writing so I could get it all out. You know true raw emotions.
Our world is a scary scary place to live in.

You know what the worst feeling in the world is...when that scary becomes a part of your daily family life. Although I don't live with my parents and sisters anymore they still mean the world to me and I hate it when anyone messes with them. I wish I kept up with my sisters and parents more than I do, and after an incident this week I'm making a bigger effort to be more involved in their lives even though we are miles away.

My sisters and I have had our ups and downs. As I'm sure every set of siblings does but I'm so grateful for them and can't imagine my life without them.

There is nothing I want to do more than hold my baby sister so tight all night long and be able to tell her that I love her and I'm here for her no matter what. I pray for her safety and protection every night, and for her to know of the love that we have for her. That she will feel the Saviors loving arms protecting her and embracing her through these scary times.

I would also hug my older sister and tell her how sorry I am for all of those times I was so unforgiving. It is one of the only regrets I have in my life, and I seriously REGRET it. I wish I would have just let things go and let the past be the past. I truly am sorry. I'm grateful that you were able to be patient with me because I'm so happy with where we are at now with our relationship and only see it getting better and better as life goes on! 

I wish I could tell my parents how much us girls love them. They do SO much for us and would do anything to make sure we were safe and taken care of. My parents were and always are right there when we need them the most. They will fly or drive millions of miles without the blink of an eye.

I wish I could hug my mom and just cry with her, because sometimes that is the only thing you can and want to do. Especially when you don't know all the answers to all the "whys" of life. She is my best friend in life and I definitely hurt when she hurts. There is no love quite like that of a mothers.

I would hug my dad and tell him how amazing he is. For always being the one who knows exactly what to say, the one who has so much wisdom, and loves all of his girls no matter what. I know he would go to the moon and back to make sure that we protected.

I guess what I'm trying to say is I love my family. For those of you who are near yours give them a big hug and hold them tight and never ever take them for granted. I don't know why it always works like this but it seems like trials always to bring us together.