Thursday, January 19, 2017

8 months recap

Wow I can't believe that I am sitting here doing a recap of Brynn's 8 months. That means I have a 9 month old and as Brad likes to remind me that means in 3 months we will have a ONE year old. Make time stop!

To celebrate Brynn turning 8 months we bought some puffs and let her try those. She LOVES them. In fact those puffs are what encouraged her to crawl. I would lay them in a line and make her crawl for them. Babies and puppies are very similar! :P

Speaking of crawling Brynn went from "baby twerking" as my dad called it to crawling on New Years Eve! It been so fun to watch her move around the house and get into things. I love when she follows me around and says "mama". It just makes me so happy that this is my life.

About a week after she started crawling she started pulling up on furniture and her toys. I'm so glad Santa brought her a walker because that thing entertains her for hours. She doesn't really walk with it but she loves to pull up on it and play with its attachments and take a few steps here and there.

Sadly 8 months also brought the worst illness Brynn has had yet. She got croup from one of her cousins over Christmas break. My heart broke for my sweet girl who sounded like Darth Vader when she breathed and would have the worst coughing fits. Luckily after the doctor gave her the steroid she improved quickly but it was still a really sad 2 weeks full of humidifiers and steam showers.

We can't believe how fun 8 months was and we are loving seeing her personality come out more and more! I've started writing little notes on my phone of things she does/likes that way I will remember it when it comes time to blog her monthly recaps.

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