Thursday, January 11, 2018

Target Haul

If you are anything like me you walk into Target with only one thing on your list and walk out with a million other things and end up forgetting the one thing you went in to buy. When I go to Target I ALWAYS have to stop in their little dollar section. Which if we are all being honest here, most things are $3-$5 now but that section has some great stuff. I was expecting it to be all Valentines Day stuff but I ended up finding some great things for Brynn and thought I would share with my fellow mamas! I immediately sent a text to Brad saying "I'm just going to go ahead and apologize for all the money I'm about to spend at Target" because let's be honest Target takes all my money.

I realize that all of these items could be made super easily but let's be honest when I have down time I would rather take a nap or binge watch The Office on Netflix! I can't be the only one?!

Anyways, the first thing I found was this little mail set. Guys, I am obsessed. I love that Brynn will be able to use this for a few years. I am planning on buying one of those little mailboxes so that she can put the envelopes in there. I laminated the letter cards so that they will be more durable and so she can re-use them again and again.

The next thing I found was this little bubble gum machine which was perfect because I'm really trying to work on teaching Brynn her colors. Brynn loves matching the colors!

Another fun learning tool is this cute little cookie and oven for number recognition. This is too advanced for Brynn right now but she still loves putting the little cookies on the pan and putting it in the little oven.

The last thing I found was this adorable finger puppet set! They had a farm and zoo set as well (I'm trying to convince Brad I need to go back and buy them, haha). Brynn loves it and I love hearing her make the little dragon roar!

I love that with most of the things I found she can play with them now and later they can help her to learn as well. I love seeing what other people pick up at Target so if you've found something recently that you are obsessed with share with me because chances are I'll make another target run just to get that item! haha.

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