Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Random Ramblings

So today Mo told me that she liked it when I used to blog about random stuff. I have so many random thoughts that I usually just keep to myself because I figure no one else would want to hear about that, but now that I know that is not the case maybe every now and then you will get some random ramblings. 

Here are a few as of late:
*I just got an iPhone. Can you say obsessed? Instagram is my newest addiction.
* I'll start off with I HATE driving on interstates. Maybe it's because I didn't really get much practice back in Georgia? Interstates are the only way you get around here in Washington, it's killing me. I miss my back roads! Oh plus when I did drive on the interstate in Georgia you had to drive fast in order to avoid getting run over. Here it is the complete opposite, the speed limit is 60 mph and people are driving 55. What in the world?!?! I am no longer considered a granny driver, instead I'm a speed demon.
*I am enrolled in an online degree program through Troy university. School just started yesterday. I am taking 3 classes. Truth is...I am already done with all the work for week one. #iamanerd.
*I don't know what it is about those hash tags and I lately but I am loving on them, and no I do not have a twitter. I do not feel the need to tell everyone what I am doing every second of my day, nor do I think people would really care. 
* I feel the need to change my email address. I've had the same one since I was like 8, and people are looking at me funny when I tell them my address. Might be time to say goodbye to brettbeauty. {feel free to laugh}

Care to share your random ramblings? Leave a comment! :)

1 comment :

  1. #1 I love your email address. I will miss it. Not that I ever email you. #2 I love hash tags too. However it's really hard for me to not use a space between words.
