Sunday, December 23, 2012

Dreams of a White Christmas

All the natives here say this is a "mild" winter. However, this is more snow than I have ever seen in my life combined. Growing up in Georgia you just don't get much snow. So while everyone is blowing off these 5 inches to be mild, I feel like a child in the best winter wonderland, and that dream of a white Christmas will finally come true.The neighbors may laugh at us out there playing in the snow but we might as well enjoy it while we have it.

On Saturday we went out to build a snowman, however it was a failed attempt because the snow was to dry to compact. So we went inside to grab our sleds and head for the hills. However on our way out Brad realized he couldn't find his phone. We looked EVERYWHERE. Turns out that phone got dropped in the snow {see ya in the spring little phone}. Luckily for Brad he was due for an upgrade so he got a new phone. I'm telling you that boy is hitting the jackpot of Christmas gifts! 

Today we went to church. We had a great Christmas Program and I absolutely loved Sunday School. We all shared our favorite scripture of the Savior from the Book of Mormon and shared our testimonies of Jesus Christ, for He is the Greatest Gift to us all. What a great reminder it was for us to remember that He is what Christmas is all about. We missed about half of Priesthood and Relief Society due to the fact that we are getting callings next week! We are so thrilled to be getting put to work! After church we came home, ate lunch, changed, and went to go build a snowman because today the snow was in prime condition for snowman building. We had such a blast and our sweet neighbor even offered to take pictures of us together with our snowman! {Hurray for no awkward stretched out arms or self timer!}

Tonight, the eve of Christmas Eve, we are sleeping under our beautiful Christmas Tree! I can't believe we have kept it green and alive for so long. It hasn't even shed yet! Glad Brad did his research so we could pick a good one!

I can't believe Christmas is already here! This year has flown by and we have so much to be grateful for here in the Schmidt household! Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas!

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