So lately it has been insanity at our house. We have been busy planning our ward Christmas party, working our buns off, and taking finals. However, once we had a Saturday morning together we headed off to the same Christmas tree farm as last year and found us a perfect tree.
Brad makes every occasion seem special and magical. As we were driving down the curvy roads, watching the snow fall he demanded we put on Christmas music, because after all we were going to pick out a Christmas tree.
We walked through the Christmas tree farm and inspected every tree until we found the one that would be just right. Of course Brad was so good to me and let me snap some pictures! We cut the tree down, strapped it to the top of the car, and headed home.
Once we got it home we turned on the Christmas pandora station, lighted our Bath and Body works "'Tis the season" candle, and decorated that tree so that it shimmers and shines.
I absolutely love how a real Christmas tree smells and makes it really feel like the holidays. I grew up with lots of Christmas trees and nothing makes it feel more like Christmas than a tree and nativities!
Here's to Christmas break and catching up on lots of blogging!
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Post of Thanks
As I’m sitting here in my warm house watching the Macy’s
Thanksgiving Day parade, with the smell of delicious food filling my house,
while the snow falls outside filling the air with magic (I hate snow but I have
to admit it makes everything look like Narnia)I can’t help but feel SO blessed.
I have so much to be thankful for that the list would go on
and on, so I’ll just list a few here. I really have been so blessed and I am
really trying to do better about expressing my thanks all year long.
I’m so grateful for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Without it I
would be so lost and I wouldn’t be able to feel the joy that I have felt from
being a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. At work
people ask me why I’m so happy and full of energy, and really I feel like a lot
of it relates to the gospel and the way I live my life.
I’m SO thankful for the family I have been blessed to be
born into, they really are the BEST. They are the best support system and the
best examples of unconditional love. I always knew I had a good family I just
didn’t know how good until I got married! (funny what marriage teaches you).
Speaking of marriage, I’m so thankful that I married someone
who loves me for who I am. Brad and I have so much fun together. We enjoy doing the simple things together as
well as the fun adventures that life throws at us. I am so glad I get to go
through life with him by my side. I love this chapter of our life but am also
looking forward to when we add our own littles.
Finally I’m so thankful for the opportunity I have to get a
college education. There are times I really hate it and get annoyed with how
much it costs and how much work I have to put into it but there are so many
people who will never get that chance. And honestly I LOVE school.
I hope everyone has a wonderful thanksgiving, and remember
is about more than just a feast of good food! ;)
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Goodbye October, Hello November
Can you all believe how fast the month of October came and went? I am still having a hard time believing it's already November! Soon we will be into the New Year! Crazy to think about.
October was a pretty fun month for us. I feel like we squeezed in a lot of fun things when we didn't have to work. We went to a pumpkin patch, a corn maze, carved pumpkins, boo'd some friends, and even dressed up as Rapunzel and Flynn Rider for our ward's trunk or treat. Also, my mom came into town on Halloween and we LOVED having her visit. We had such a fun time chatting that I didn't even get any pictures of her visit (hate it when that happens).
I'm really excited (maybe more like nervous) for our crazy month of November. Hello midterms, working, moving the weekend before Thanksgiving, more than likely working Black Friday, and putting up Christmas decorations the day after Thanksgiving (because that's how it is supposed to be).
I hope everyone has a fabulous week! I'm just hoping the snow stays away for a little bit longer.
October was a pretty fun month for us. I feel like we squeezed in a lot of fun things when we didn't have to work. We went to a pumpkin patch, a corn maze, carved pumpkins, boo'd some friends, and even dressed up as Rapunzel and Flynn Rider for our ward's trunk or treat. Also, my mom came into town on Halloween and we LOVED having her visit. We had such a fun time chatting that I didn't even get any pictures of her visit (hate it when that happens).
I'm really excited (maybe more like nervous) for our crazy month of November. Hello midterms, working, moving the weekend before Thanksgiving, more than likely working Black Friday, and putting up Christmas decorations the day after Thanksgiving (because that's how it is supposed to be).
I hope everyone has a fabulous week! I'm just hoping the snow stays away for a little bit longer.
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Tis The Season To Get Married
{Just a heads up, it's a novel. Sorry not sorry. I consider this blog to be a journal so I want to make sure I document. You do not have to read the whole thing!}
This weekend I knew FIVE girls who got married (yes you read that right, 5, in two days). Let's just say weddings were on the mind this weekend, and it got me thinking back to my very own.
Of course I thought about how giddy I was on my wedding day and how excited I was to be sealed to Brad for eternity. I remember sitting in the bridal room with my mom and the temple worker coming in and telling me I was the calmest bride she had ever seen. I don't feel as though I was super calm (I seriously went to the bathroom four times in 20 minutes) but I felt at peace with the decision I was making. I knew I had prepared and lived my life the way I should for the past 20 years so that I could be right where I was.
When I think back on my wedding day I think of the spirit that I felt as Brad and I were sealed together in that room on July 19, 2012 in the Birmingham, Alabama temple. I love that we were able to walk into the room side by side, just how we will do everything for the rest of our lives, side by side. I feel so blessed to be able to have Brad by my side through everything. Luckily for me I get to spend forever with that man of mine and I can always return to the temple to feel that same spirit. What an incredible blessing!
Although all the weddings this weekend made me think of my own wedding day, I really spent my time reflecting on our marriage. I can't even begin to tell you how happy being married makes me. I feel so blessed that I found the man that I want to love and be with for the rest of forever at such a young age. I thought about how most days I still feel just as happy to know that I get to spend eternity with Brad (I say most days because we aren't perfect, and we do have our days) as the very day we were sealed.
I still feel like a newlywed most of the time.The other day I surprised Brad with a picnic when I picked him up from work. We headed to a local park and enjoyed our picnic on the most lovely fall day, the sunset was incredible so it really felt like the perfect day. Brad looked over at me and said "I think we are finally getting the hang of this whole marriage thing". I sat back for a moment and reflected on our first year of marriage.
I'm not going to lie the first three months were rough for me, I moved all the way to Washington State, Brad was either working or going to school and I didn't have a reliable job. I really just sat at home all day and did school work, I didn't really have friends out there and I was adjusting to married life. Then we moved to New York, during the winter. Oh how I HATE snow, and let me tell you we get a lot of it here. I was really worried when we weren't really clicking with anyone in the ward because everyone knew the likelihood of us staying here was very slim. However, something changed and I can't even tell you when. Next thing you know we are being invited to hangout with people, I have made a few friends, I have a job that I love, and I have a calling that I love most Sundays.
So in reply to Brad's statement, I really have to agree. I think we really are starting to get the hang of this whole marriage thing. Although we are super busy, we do make the most out of the time that we do have together. Am I always the perfect wife, no. Is the house always spotless, no. Do those stress me out, yes. Even though we are starting to get the hang of it I still feel like I have a lot to learn! Good thing I have eternity to learn to love more and stress less!
This weekend I knew FIVE girls who got married (yes you read that right, 5, in two days). Let's just say weddings were on the mind this weekend, and it got me thinking back to my very own.
Of course I thought about how giddy I was on my wedding day and how excited I was to be sealed to Brad for eternity. I remember sitting in the bridal room with my mom and the temple worker coming in and telling me I was the calmest bride she had ever seen. I don't feel as though I was super calm (I seriously went to the bathroom four times in 20 minutes) but I felt at peace with the decision I was making. I knew I had prepared and lived my life the way I should for the past 20 years so that I could be right where I was.
When I think back on my wedding day I think of the spirit that I felt as Brad and I were sealed together in that room on July 19, 2012 in the Birmingham, Alabama temple. I love that we were able to walk into the room side by side, just how we will do everything for the rest of our lives, side by side. I feel so blessed to be able to have Brad by my side through everything. Luckily for me I get to spend forever with that man of mine and I can always return to the temple to feel that same spirit. What an incredible blessing!
Although all the weddings this weekend made me think of my own wedding day, I really spent my time reflecting on our marriage. I can't even begin to tell you how happy being married makes me. I feel so blessed that I found the man that I want to love and be with for the rest of forever at such a young age. I thought about how most days I still feel just as happy to know that I get to spend eternity with Brad (I say most days because we aren't perfect, and we do have our days) as the very day we were sealed.
I still feel like a newlywed most of the time.The other day I surprised Brad with a picnic when I picked him up from work. We headed to a local park and enjoyed our picnic on the most lovely fall day, the sunset was incredible so it really felt like the perfect day. Brad looked over at me and said "I think we are finally getting the hang of this whole marriage thing". I sat back for a moment and reflected on our first year of marriage.
I'm not going to lie the first three months were rough for me, I moved all the way to Washington State, Brad was either working or going to school and I didn't have a reliable job. I really just sat at home all day and did school work, I didn't really have friends out there and I was adjusting to married life. Then we moved to New York, during the winter. Oh how I HATE snow, and let me tell you we get a lot of it here. I was really worried when we weren't really clicking with anyone in the ward because everyone knew the likelihood of us staying here was very slim. However, something changed and I can't even tell you when. Next thing you know we are being invited to hangout with people, I have made a few friends, I have a job that I love, and I have a calling that I love most Sundays.
So in reply to Brad's statement, I really have to agree. I think we really are starting to get the hang of this whole marriage thing. Although we are super busy, we do make the most out of the time that we do have together. Am I always the perfect wife, no. Is the house always spotless, no. Do those stress me out, yes. Even though we are starting to get the hang of it I still feel like I have a lot to learn! Good thing I have eternity to learn to love more and stress less!
Monday, September 30, 2013
How bout them apples?!
This past week has been stressful. I had two major breakdowns. Not like I'm proud to say it, but admitting it is the first step to recovery right?! I have bad anxiety because I like to plan EVERYTHING, and I stress way to easily. I'm trying to learn to let go, and leave it all in God's hands. He knows the big picture and I'm just seeing a microscopic part of it.
Anyways, Friday afternoon Brad got off early and we headed to the apple orchards on what seemed to be the perfect fall day. The fall breeze and the scent of apples seemed to be the perfect scene for a perfect day with my boy.
I had such a wonderful time walking hand in hand with that handsome boy of mine down each of the aisles of trees. As we were walking through the orchards, I can't explain how good it felt to be laughing and forgetting about all the stressful things {work & school} life throws our way and just enjoying the company of one another.
I'm so grateful and excited that October is just around the corner. General Conference is this weekend and I'm thrilled. It seems like conference always comes at the perfect time! As fall is starting to come in full swing, I figure now is the perfect time to start to become a better person that I know I'm capable of.
In other news this weekend we signed a lease for our next apartment for the next couple of months, and got another calling at church! With all that we have going on within the next few months this year will be over before we know it.
Happy Monday Friends!
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Recent Happenings
I know, I know. I totally suck at being consistent here on the blog.
If only I were as OCD about the blog as I am about everything else in the world.
Y'all would probably get sick of me though. haha.
I can't believe it's been since my birthday, almost a month ago.
How is September almost over already?!?!
Also, do you like how I promised a post on our Labor Day trip to Alexandria Bay...
yeah sorry that hasn't happened yet.
At least it gives me something to blog about next time, or the time after that. ;)
I feel like I'm a broken record on this whole "Life is so busy for the both of us between work, school, and callings" but let's be honest that is the chapter of our life right now and "Come what may and love it"
...such a nice quote right?
Here is a quick catch up of the most recent happenings:
I was released from my young women's calling. I'm not sure I ever talked about this but I'm now in sunbeams and I LOVE it. Primary is the place for me. I have 6 kids in my class, 2 girls and 4 boys. I'm just so blessed to not have gotten the other class because those children are TERRIBLE.
Brad is still in young men's and the whole ward loves that he is in there. I get told all the time how great he is with the boys and the boys absolutely love him.
I got a new job at Hobby Lobby and it is so me. Although I'm still technically employed by Victoria Secret, I never pick up shifts there. I'm working about 24 hours a week at Hobby Lobby and it's been so wonderful. Although, it has been an adventure trying to figure out how to make sure I get my school work done all at the same time, but so far so good. I love going to work and time always flys by while I'm there. I can't wait till I get enough saved up for school so I can put that discount to use.
Speaking of school...I have three terms left, 27 weeks to be exact. May 18th could not come soon enough. I am so ready to be done with this stage and on to the next! ;)
And last but not least it looks like we will be staying here in good ole New York for another winter. I'm not the most excited about having to put on snow boots, coats, and hats, on just to go outside, or driving in the snow for that matter but I'm going to try to stay positive about it.
So there is your update. If you made it through the whole thing I'm quite impressed. I'm going to try to blog at least twice a week. Some people have mentioned my lack of blogging so I'm going to try to get better.
Happy First Day Of Fall!
Sunday, September 1, 2013
I don't know about you
But I'm feeling 22.
On the 29th I turned the magical age of 22. Not really magical but it was still such a fun day!
I luckily had the day off work and woke up to a vase of beautiful flowers, a sweet card, balloons, and yummy dove chocolates. I may have had one or two after breakfast! ;)
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Birthday Flowers, Cake, Card, and Chocolates |
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Birthday Cake and Balloon |
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Hawaiian Ice at the Fair |
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My trooper of a husband, poor guy was sick and tired! |
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Love this Boy! |
I hope everyone has an exciting Labor Day! We will be making our way down to Alexandria Bay to tour the Boldt Castle and I'm so excited! So expect a post with pictures to recap that fun adventure!
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Isla Mujeres
Well it's been 5 days since we've been back from our one year anniversary getaway, so I guess it's about time to blog about it. To put it simply it was an "adventure" at some times and perfection the rest of the time.
I discovered on this trip that I am an anxious traveler, it really was no surprise at all though. I hate when things don't go the way I planned them going. Anyone who knows me well could tell you that.
I don't want to dwell on all the crazy parts though because everything else was so amazing, and plus my hubby tells me the crazy parts make it an "adventure" and makes for better stories to tell our kids one day.
But I will tell you this:
On that first night when we walked in the door to a rose petal path, leading to two love birds on our bed, and a fruit and chocolate tray, "WOW" was all I could say. I was seriously speechless. This suite that we would be staying in for the next 4 days was bigger than our apartment.
And I will summarize what we did while we were there because if I wrote every single thing we did, this would be the longest post about a whole lot of the following:
For the next three days we spent our time laying out at the incredible white sand and clear water beach (I seriously couldn't get enough of it), hanging by the pool, enjoying beautiful sunsets, snorkeling, relaxing in the coolest cabanas, and most importantly enjoying our time together.
It was the perfect little getaway that came at the perfect time. Oh how we need that trip, a little break from work and school for the both of us. However, we're back to the real world and feeling refreshed.
It was the perfect little getaway that came at the perfect time. Oh how we need that trip, a little break from work and school for the both of us. However, we're back to the real world and feeling refreshed.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
One year down, eternity to go
I know, I know. I am super late (not even a week yet, but still). We have been super busy with school and work that the weeks seem to be passing by so fast. However, last Friday, the 19th, we celebrated our one year anniversary! On our anniversary both of us had to work. boo. But when I got off Brad
told me he didn't have to go back to work. I came home to a clean house
because Brad knows how much I love that. I also had fresh flowers in a
vase on the table and two cards throughout the house (one funny and one
romantic). I got dressed for our nice dinner out. After we got done with
dinner we headed to the lake to meet one of our friends to take some
pictures for us! We finished just in time, as we were headed to the car
it started to pour rain. Perfect ending to the perfect day! (Bear with me, it's about to get mushy...but I'll make it quick)
Dear Brad,
I can't believe how fast the time flies! It really is true that time flies when you are having fun. This year has been full of ups and downs and lots of new places for us, places that we have been able to discover together and I love that, places that will bring back memories. We've experienced things that I can't wait to tell our future children all about. You have made it possible for me to cross things of my bucket list, and I hope together we can cross off more in the years to come! I have learned a lot in this past year about you and myself. Things I would have only learned in this exact situation. I'm so grateful to be married to you, Brad. I know I can always count on you to be here for me which is such a blessing. You go above and beyond for me on a daily basis and for that I'm so thankful. But above all I am so grateful that we were married in the Temple and that I can be with you for eternity, what an incredible blessing! I can't imagine my life without you, and luckily I don't have to! I can't wait to see what this next year holds for us! Here's to eternity!
One Year Anniversary from Brett Schmidt on Vimeo.
Now all we have to do is finish this week and then we are off to Isla Mujeres for a few days to celebrate our anniversary! To say I'm excited would be an understatement! Hope everyone has a happy hump day!
Oh and of course you want to see our anniversary pictures (okay maybe not, but here they are anyways!)
Dear Brad,
I can't believe how fast the time flies! It really is true that time flies when you are having fun. This year has been full of ups and downs and lots of new places for us, places that we have been able to discover together and I love that, places that will bring back memories. We've experienced things that I can't wait to tell our future children all about. You have made it possible for me to cross things of my bucket list, and I hope together we can cross off more in the years to come! I have learned a lot in this past year about you and myself. Things I would have only learned in this exact situation. I'm so grateful to be married to you, Brad. I know I can always count on you to be here for me which is such a blessing. You go above and beyond for me on a daily basis and for that I'm so thankful. But above all I am so grateful that we were married in the Temple and that I can be with you for eternity, what an incredible blessing! I can't imagine my life without you, and luckily I don't have to! I can't wait to see what this next year holds for us! Here's to eternity!
One Year Anniversary from Brett Schmidt on Vimeo.
Now all we have to do is finish this week and then we are off to Isla Mujeres for a few days to celebrate our anniversary! To say I'm excited would be an understatement! Hope everyone has a happy hump day!
Oh and of course you want to see our anniversary pictures (okay maybe not, but here they are anyways!)
Sunday, July 7, 2013
"God Shows His Love By Giving Us Families"
This past week the baby sister came to visit me. Although it was a spur of the moment trip I'm so glad she came! Since I've been so homesick lately it was a nice little pick me up especially since I would have been sitting at home all by myself all week! While she was here we just had to go visit all the church history sites. So on Tuesday we headed to Palmyra, NY which is only about 45 minutes from our apartment. Within the first 15 minutes of the drive I felt like I had got stung on my arm and it was swelling and turning red, I look down and see a yellow jacket just chilling on my chest like its no big deal. Of course I start freaking out, so we pull over to a gas station, and Colby took care of me. Thank goodness she was there. topic sorry.
So the first thing we did was the Joseph Smith Farm. I had already been once before but it was still just as fun and uplifting as it was the first time. I liked how each tour guide tells their favorite stories about the history of the Joseph Smith Farm. Both times had totally different stories and I definitely learned new things. After we finished touring the Farm we went in the Sacred Grove. However, we didn't stay in there as long as I thought we would because the mosquitoes are bad because of all the rain we've been getting and since I had been stung by a yellow jacket earlier and Colby has hives due to an allergic reaction we decided it was best to not stay out too long.
After we finished up there we went and walked around the Palmyra Temple Grounds. It reminds we a lot of the Birmingham Temple where Brad and I were sealed (almost a year ago!) Then we were off to the LDS Bookstore (so I could get a picture of Christ for our apartment). After we got the picture we walked to go get pizza at this little whole in the wall pizza place, it was seriously the best pizza and it really hit the spot. Then of course we had to go get some ice cream and it was in this cute little shop that was run by elderly people. And let me tell you something Colby and I LOVE talking with elderly people, we probably could have stayed there all day. However, we had so much to do still.
Hill Cumorah was next. Although pageant is this upcoming weekend I still wanted to go and take Colby especially since I hadn't gone yet. We walked into the Visitors Center and I immediately could feel the spirit. We had a sister missionary take us around and we sat in front of the Christus Statue. I teared up a little but I held it in. It wasn't until we were taken into the theater to watch a short clip about how families are forever that I completely lost it.
I really wish I could find a link to that video because although it is so simple it is so beautiful. There were so many parts that the spirit was so strong in that room. The one part that stuck out to me was "God shows His love by giving us families." See I told you it was simple but yet this simple phrase spoke wonders to me. Our loving Heavenly Father knew what He was doing. He knew how much we would need our families for their love and support as we go through this test of life on Earth. We had families in Heaven before so why wouldn't we have them here. It may be because like I mentioned before I have been so homesick but I am just so grateful that my Heavenly Father loved and cared about me so much that He sent me to a wonderful family here on Earth that I know I can always count on to love and support me. After the video ended Colby and I drove to the top of the hill and had a wonderful heart to heart. I'm so grateful that we were able to go on a spiritually uplifting trip for the day.
Thanks for coming to visit me, Colby! Hopefully the North didn't treat you too bad!
So the first thing we did was the Joseph Smith Farm. I had already been once before but it was still just as fun and uplifting as it was the first time. I liked how each tour guide tells their favorite stories about the history of the Joseph Smith Farm. Both times had totally different stories and I definitely learned new things. After we finished touring the Farm we went in the Sacred Grove. However, we didn't stay in there as long as I thought we would because the mosquitoes are bad because of all the rain we've been getting and since I had been stung by a yellow jacket earlier and Colby has hives due to an allergic reaction we decided it was best to not stay out too long.
After we finished up there we went and walked around the Palmyra Temple Grounds. It reminds we a lot of the Birmingham Temple where Brad and I were sealed (almost a year ago!) Then we were off to the LDS Bookstore (so I could get a picture of Christ for our apartment). After we got the picture we walked to go get pizza at this little whole in the wall pizza place, it was seriously the best pizza and it really hit the spot. Then of course we had to go get some ice cream and it was in this cute little shop that was run by elderly people. And let me tell you something Colby and I LOVE talking with elderly people, we probably could have stayed there all day. However, we had so much to do still.
Hill Cumorah was next. Although pageant is this upcoming weekend I still wanted to go and take Colby especially since I hadn't gone yet. We walked into the Visitors Center and I immediately could feel the spirit. We had a sister missionary take us around and we sat in front of the Christus Statue. I teared up a little but I held it in. It wasn't until we were taken into the theater to watch a short clip about how families are forever that I completely lost it.
I really wish I could find a link to that video because although it is so simple it is so beautiful. There were so many parts that the spirit was so strong in that room. The one part that stuck out to me was "God shows His love by giving us families." See I told you it was simple but yet this simple phrase spoke wonders to me. Our loving Heavenly Father knew what He was doing. He knew how much we would need our families for their love and support as we go through this test of life on Earth. We had families in Heaven before so why wouldn't we have them here. It may be because like I mentioned before I have been so homesick but I am just so grateful that my Heavenly Father loved and cared about me so much that He sent me to a wonderful family here on Earth that I know I can always count on to love and support me. After the video ended Colby and I drove to the top of the hill and had a wonderful heart to heart. I'm so grateful that we were able to go on a spiritually uplifting trip for the day.
Thanks for coming to visit me, Colby! Hopefully the North didn't treat you too bad!
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Father's Day 2013
Father's Day Weekend is here so of course I have to talk about my Faddah!
I'm not sure why I call him that, but I like it and I personally think he likes it too.
My dad is an awesome man and an even better dad. Let me tell you what, he made the BEST girl dad. Some of my greatest memories of him are when he lets us girls play beauty shop on him. He let us put bows in his hair and even paint his toe nails. What a trooper!
My dad has taught me many things and I am grateful that he took time out of his day and schedule to always put all of his girls at the top of his priority list. There are times I think back on when my dad was both working and going back to school and he still made sure that all of his ladies were taken care of and that we all knew how much he loved us.
I know my dad would do anything in order to provide for and protect his family. He is a great example of the qualities I wanted in a husband and a father figure for my own children (and I got so lucky). I am so thankful that he showed me how important it is to have a worthy priesthood holder. I have received so many blessings from the priesthood and I am glad my dad made sure that we knew that we never had to hesitate asking for a blessing.
I am thankful to my Heavenly Father for sending me to such a tender hearted and loving Daddy. I am beyond grateful for the love and support that he continually gives me!
Happy Father's Day, Faddah!
I love you!
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Every Love Story Is Beautiful
I've had a lot on my mind lately. The biggest one is how much I love married life (not the fairy tale married life that every girl dreams of) but OUR married life. Is it always easy well no not really, but it's ALWAYS worth it. One of the biggest things that my parents taught me is how important marriage and family are.
The past few days I have felt so in love with Brad and with our marriage. I am not sure if it's because next month we will be celebrating ONE YEAR or if I'm just now becoming more aware of how much I love the little things that makes us...well US. We are still in the newlywed stage and I want to take advantage of this time in our life.
I have a confession though, I am always comparing the things we do to the things that other newlywed bloggers do. I know they say "Comparison is the thief of joy" and lately this has screamed to be so true to me.
Do we do something fun and exciting every weekend, not at all. Do we do the cute stuff that girls see all over Pinterest boards, no. (Do I try? YES. haha) We do however manage to have a good time every weekend whether that is going to the temple, a festival downtown, or simply just staying home and relaxing. There is nothing I love more than the simple things that make our marriage seem magical like the way Brad always holds my hand as we say our nightly prayer, or the way he will come and slow dance with me when I've had a rough day and just need to be held.
Although things at our house have been a little crazy lately there is nothing more comforting than knowing
that we can turn to our Heavenly Father for His loving guidance. We are trusting in Him and I know that He has the perfect plan for us, no matter what that plan is, I know it will be an amazing journey.
The past few days I have felt so in love with Brad and with our marriage. I am not sure if it's because next month we will be celebrating ONE YEAR or if I'm just now becoming more aware of how much I love the little things that makes us...well US. We are still in the newlywed stage and I want to take advantage of this time in our life.
I have a confession though, I am always comparing the things we do to the things that other newlywed bloggers do. I know they say "Comparison is the thief of joy" and lately this has screamed to be so true to me.
Do we do something fun and exciting every weekend, not at all. Do we do the cute stuff that girls see all over Pinterest boards, no. (Do I try? YES. haha) We do however manage to have a good time every weekend whether that is going to the temple, a festival downtown, or simply just staying home and relaxing. There is nothing I love more than the simple things that make our marriage seem magical like the way Brad always holds my hand as we say our nightly prayer, or the way he will come and slow dance with me when I've had a rough day and just need to be held.
Although things at our house have been a little crazy lately there is nothing more comforting than knowing
that we can turn to our Heavenly Father for His loving guidance. We are trusting in Him and I know that He has the perfect plan for us, no matter what that plan is, I know it will be an amazing journey.
Friday, June 7, 2013
Birthday Shout Out to Faddah
Today is Faddah's birthday! I remember growing up never getting to celebrate his birthday with him on his actual birthday because us girls were always at girls camp. And sadly I don't get to be there again! So I hope today that Mo and Colby shower him with love! I'm so grateful to be this man's daughter. My daddy has the most tender heart of anyone I know. He sacrifices so much to provide for us. I'm grateful that he holds the priesthood and makes sure to be worthy of it at all times. There have been many times where I have been sick or nervous and I never hesitated to ask for a blessing. I will never forget the good times we had during our daddy daughter date nights and our personal interview chats! He makes sure we know what to do in order to get by on our own...and let's be honest the guys at the car shop were pretty impressed I knew how to change and rotate tires and I owe that all to this man!
Happy Birthday Faddah
Your Brettly
Friday, May 31, 2013
I think it must be because I just spent a week in Georgia with all of my family there but today I have been feeling really grateful for the family that I am blessed to call mine. Are we, not at all. In fact we have been through some really hard times together. But I wouldn't trade those hard times for anything. They have taught me how important family is and that if you don't stick together life will be really hard and tough. You will feel lonely and like you have no one to turn to. I am so blessed to have such a supportive family that has always shown their love for me {although at the time I may not have seen it that way}. Each member of my family plays such an important role in our family dynamics.
Everyone meet Mo and Faddah
They make a cute pair, huh?! I sure think so, I'm thankful for genetics to say the least. My mom and dad are the best! I know everyone says that but mine really are. They are the best example of Christ like love that I know. They love us no matter what and make sure we know it daily. They love us for who we are and what we can become. They see our full potential and do everything they can to help us get there. They are our number one cheerleaders. They are also best friends who love when we love and who hurt when we hurt. They have taught us that family is always supposed to be there for each other even when its hard. Seeing them take their roles as Honey and Dude {their grandma and grandpa names} when my niece was born last September has made me love them even more. Their love for little Zoe radiates just as much as it does for us girls. They have so much love in their hearts. I hope to one day be the mom that my mom is for me. She is my best friend and I truly treasure that relationship. My dad showed me what qualities to look for in a husband and I really appreciate his wisdom and tender heart.
Meet the Brinkerhoff Clan
This is my older sister, Afton, her husband Gregg, and darling baby Zoe. First confession: I have ALWAYS coveted Afton's voice. She has the voice of an angel and I loved growing up hearing her sing, plus she is a lovely piano player. Afton also has the perfect complexion, something I have been and always will be super jealous of. She is an elegant woman, like a timeless beauty. She is a wonderful mom to little Zoe. Gregg is an awesome brother in law. He is quick and witty and a excellent dad to his daughter and loves my sister so much. He does everything he can for their little family, and we all appreciate that he takes care of two girls we love. Zoe has blessed our family in so many ways. She has brought us closer together and she is our little ray of sunshine. She is the prettiest baby I have ever seen and she has such a happy spirit.
Here is the baby sister
Everyone this is Colby. Possibly one of the sweetest girls I know. This girl is beautiful inside and out. Her heart is SO big. She always sticks up for the underdog, and won't let anyone get bullied or bashed. She is so smart and beautiful. She has the longest legs in our family and I am so jealous of them, she has my dream body...and her eyelashes are to die for. She is a great aunt to baby Zoe. I know she has so much potential in this life and I can't wait to see her accomplish everything that is in store for her!
And last but not least
This handsome man is my husband! I feel so blessed to be his wifey. He makes me so happy. He is such a hard worker and such a tender hearted boy. He is kind to everyone even when I feel like half the time they don't deserve it. This boy has overcome so much and I know how much he has to offer. I can't wait to see what our future holds!
I am so blessed to have THIS family and to have the knowledge that I can be with them forever. I am trying to become a better daughter, sister, and wife and I am so grateful to have these people by my side to encourage me and help me along the way. I love you all so very much!
Everyone meet Mo and Faddah
They make a cute pair, huh?! I sure think so, I'm thankful for genetics to say the least. My mom and dad are the best! I know everyone says that but mine really are. They are the best example of Christ like love that I know. They love us no matter what and make sure we know it daily. They love us for who we are and what we can become. They see our full potential and do everything they can to help us get there. They are our number one cheerleaders. They are also best friends who love when we love and who hurt when we hurt. They have taught us that family is always supposed to be there for each other even when its hard. Seeing them take their roles as Honey and Dude {their grandma and grandpa names} when my niece was born last September has made me love them even more. Their love for little Zoe radiates just as much as it does for us girls. They have so much love in their hearts. I hope to one day be the mom that my mom is for me. She is my best friend and I truly treasure that relationship. My dad showed me what qualities to look for in a husband and I really appreciate his wisdom and tender heart.
Meet the Brinkerhoff Clan
This is my older sister, Afton, her husband Gregg, and darling baby Zoe. First confession: I have ALWAYS coveted Afton's voice. She has the voice of an angel and I loved growing up hearing her sing, plus she is a lovely piano player. Afton also has the perfect complexion, something I have been and always will be super jealous of. She is an elegant woman, like a timeless beauty. She is a wonderful mom to little Zoe. Gregg is an awesome brother in law. He is quick and witty and a excellent dad to his daughter and loves my sister so much. He does everything he can for their little family, and we all appreciate that he takes care of two girls we love. Zoe has blessed our family in so many ways. She has brought us closer together and she is our little ray of sunshine. She is the prettiest baby I have ever seen and she has such a happy spirit.
Here is the baby sister
Everyone this is Colby. Possibly one of the sweetest girls I know. This girl is beautiful inside and out. Her heart is SO big. She always sticks up for the underdog, and won't let anyone get bullied or bashed. She is so smart and beautiful. She has the longest legs in our family and I am so jealous of them, she has my dream body...and her eyelashes are to die for. She is a great aunt to baby Zoe. I know she has so much potential in this life and I can't wait to see her accomplish everything that is in store for her!
And last but not least
This handsome man is my husband! I feel so blessed to be his wifey. He makes me so happy. He is such a hard worker and such a tender hearted boy. He is kind to everyone even when I feel like half the time they don't deserve it. This boy has overcome so much and I know how much he has to offer. I can't wait to see what our future holds!
I am so blessed to have THIS family and to have the knowledge that I can be with them forever. I am trying to become a better daughter, sister, and wife and I am so grateful to have these people by my side to encourage me and help me along the way. I love you all so very much!
There's No Place Like Home
Sorry I have been a little MIA on the blog lately. Last week we headed down to good ole Georgia for the baby sisters high school graduation! I had such a great time and really got to see a lot of my family that I hadn't seen in what feels like forever.
Monday morning we got in and first stop was Chickfila. Never has a chicken biscuit tasted so good. After our Chickfila run we stopped by my parents house so that I could say hello {it's hard knowing that you are so close to your family but you can't spend time with them}. The thing about both of our families living so close is that we have to make sure that time is spent at each place. So the beginning of the week we spent at Brad's side of the family and the end of the week with mine!
On Tuesday morning we went to the aquarium with Brad's relatives. We saw lots of fishes and other sea animals. I was impressed with how great of a job Atlanta did on the aquarium but I probably wouldn't go again, basically it an "I can say I've gone to the Georgia Aquarium" kind of thing.After the aquarium I headed to get my hair done, that was interesting to say the least.
On Wednesday I went to the Braves game with my family! It was so fun to just hangout, catch up, and watch some baseball. I remember many times going as a family to Braves games during the summer! Colby would always ask for dippin dots and I would always go for the frozen lemonade! Later that evening we met up with Adam and Ashley {our friends who set us up} for dinner and then just caught up on whats going on in our lives.
Thursday morning we headed over to my parents for the rest of the week. It was so fun to see everyone who had come for Colby's graduation. Everyone was there and it's been awhile since that has happened! Thursday evening we had foil dinners and dutch oven lasagna. It was so delicious and of course we ended the evening with peep s'mores!
Friday was the big graduation day! Colby graduated with honors and it couldn't have been a more perfect ceremony. It was short and we were blessed with amazing weather. They even played banjo music which was PERFECT for Colby. After the ceremony we all got back to the house and she opened cards and we ate cookie cake!
Saturday we drove up to Canton to go to my cousin, Dallin's graduation. After the graduation we headed back to the house to eat {cafe rio style}. After dinner we headed to the lake to take family pictures since everyone was in town.
Sunday was church day. It's always weird to me to go back to that ward. I'm not sure why it just is. There have been a lot of new families to move into the ward but other than that it's pretty much the same. Once we got home it was lunch, naps, and then good ole wackee six. I seriously LOVE that game but I am not as good at it as I once was. {womp womp}.
Monday and Tuesday Brad and I headed to the beach. I am a beach lover for life and wish I could live there {maybe one day}. It kind of felt like a mini honeymoon. It was so fun to stroll down the beach and the little beach town hand in hand. It was also nice to have sand and waves in front of our faces instead of piles of snow for a change.
I am so grateful that we were able to go to Georgia for Colby's graduation and that my whole family was able to be there. It is so fun to see the different stages of life that everyone is going through. Words cannot describe how thankful I am that families are forever. I know we may not always get a long and see eye to eye but I know that each one of us loves one another more than anything in this world and would do anything to make sure that we are all happy and healthy. I love my family and I am grateful that I get to be with them for eternity!
Monday morning we got in and first stop was Chickfila. Never has a chicken biscuit tasted so good. After our Chickfila run we stopped by my parents house so that I could say hello {it's hard knowing that you are so close to your family but you can't spend time with them}. The thing about both of our families living so close is that we have to make sure that time is spent at each place. So the beginning of the week we spent at Brad's side of the family and the end of the week with mine!
On Tuesday morning we went to the aquarium with Brad's relatives. We saw lots of fishes and other sea animals. I was impressed with how great of a job Atlanta did on the aquarium but I probably wouldn't go again, basically it an "I can say I've gone to the Georgia Aquarium" kind of thing.After the aquarium I headed to get my hair done, that was interesting to say the least.
On Wednesday I went to the Braves game with my family! It was so fun to just hangout, catch up, and watch some baseball. I remember many times going as a family to Braves games during the summer! Colby would always ask for dippin dots and I would always go for the frozen lemonade! Later that evening we met up with Adam and Ashley {our friends who set us up} for dinner and then just caught up on whats going on in our lives.
Thursday morning we headed over to my parents for the rest of the week. It was so fun to see everyone who had come for Colby's graduation. Everyone was there and it's been awhile since that has happened! Thursday evening we had foil dinners and dutch oven lasagna. It was so delicious and of course we ended the evening with peep s'mores!
Friday was the big graduation day! Colby graduated with honors and it couldn't have been a more perfect ceremony. It was short and we were blessed with amazing weather. They even played banjo music which was PERFECT for Colby. After the ceremony we all got back to the house and she opened cards and we ate cookie cake!
Saturday we drove up to Canton to go to my cousin, Dallin's graduation. After the graduation we headed back to the house to eat {cafe rio style}. After dinner we headed to the lake to take family pictures since everyone was in town.
Sunday was church day. It's always weird to me to go back to that ward. I'm not sure why it just is. There have been a lot of new families to move into the ward but other than that it's pretty much the same. Once we got home it was lunch, naps, and then good ole wackee six. I seriously LOVE that game but I am not as good at it as I once was. {womp womp}.
Monday and Tuesday Brad and I headed to the beach. I am a beach lover for life and wish I could live there {maybe one day}. It kind of felt like a mini honeymoon. It was so fun to stroll down the beach and the little beach town hand in hand. It was also nice to have sand and waves in front of our faces instead of piles of snow for a change.
I am so grateful that we were able to go to Georgia for Colby's graduation and that my whole family was able to be there. It is so fun to see the different stages of life that everyone is going through. Words cannot describe how thankful I am that families are forever. I know we may not always get a long and see eye to eye but I know that each one of us loves one another more than anything in this world and would do anything to make sure that we are all happy and healthy. I love my family and I am grateful that I get to be with them for eternity!
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Mother's Day 2013
Let's take a second to talk about Mothers shall we. Well actually let's talk about the best one EVER, her name is Sabra Lynn Newberry, but I like to call her Mo :)
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please don't hate me for the last picture, I secretly love it because it's totally us! :) |
Being married and on my own has taught me a lot. One thing for sure though is that I am beyond blessed to have such a wonderful, loving, and supportive mom.
Not only is she my mom but she is also my best friend. I don't think one day has gone by that I haven't called her at least twice.
I love that she is always there when I am happy and sad. She knows my pains, struggles, and imperfections and still loves me anyways.
One day I hope to be just like her because she is really the best mom. I know growing up I didn't appreciate her as much as I should have. Recently my eyes were opened to exactly how blessed I am to have her in my life and I don't want to imagine a day without her because my life would be very dark and depressing. So it's a good thing families are forever! :)
She came to every dance recital, cheer leading event, sat through many hot and long chorus concerts, attended graduations, and some of my favorite memories are from when we would stay up talking till early am hours. She was there for all the biggest days of my life. From graduating high school, to receiving my endowments and getting sealed in the temple, and I know she will be there for big future events too, she wouldn't miss them for anything!
My mom has always made it a point to be involved in our lives and illustrated that being a mom and a wife were and still are her priorities in life.
So here's to you Mo! I love you so much and thank you for being my mom! You are my Mary Poppins, practically perfect in every way. I know that my Heavenly Father knows me perfectly because He sent me to YOU, and I couldn't ask for anything better!
Happy Mother's Day!
Love you!
p.s. Here is a BIG B-rett hug via blog!
p.s.s. It was more than 10 seconds ;)
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!
After having my share of the sinus infection I was itching to get out of the house. Luckily for me, work did not take my call in and mother nature decided to bless us with a beautiful day. So what did we decide to do...go to the zoo, of course!
We both got ready, packed a picnic lunch, hopped in the car, rolled the windows and sun roof down and made our way to the zoo. Luckily for us the Rosamond Gifford Zoo is only about 20 minutes away from our house and has a cheap admission fee of $8.00 for adults.
With such a cheap entrance fee we figured that the zoo would be kind of lame but boy were we wrong! The exhibits were awesome and we saw so many different kinds of animals. It really was the perfect little outing. My favorite animals at the zoo are always the elephants so I was overjoyed when we saw new baby elephant! They even had a maternity ward building for the elephants which was so neat to walk through.
It was so neat to see so many of the animals up close, though I'm pretty sure it was nap time for over half of the animals there!
After we finished at the exhibits we found this field near the entrance of the zoo with an awesome staircase and of course a picnic and mini photoshoot was necessary.
I have tried up loading some of the pics but blogger is being a little iffy so I'll keep trying another day. Until then Happy Tuesday!
We both got ready, packed a picnic lunch, hopped in the car, rolled the windows and sun roof down and made our way to the zoo. Luckily for us the Rosamond Gifford Zoo is only about 20 minutes away from our house and has a cheap admission fee of $8.00 for adults.
With such a cheap entrance fee we figured that the zoo would be kind of lame but boy were we wrong! The exhibits were awesome and we saw so many different kinds of animals. It really was the perfect little outing. My favorite animals at the zoo are always the elephants so I was overjoyed when we saw new baby elephant! They even had a maternity ward building for the elephants which was so neat to walk through.
It was so neat to see so many of the animals up close, though I'm pretty sure it was nap time for over half of the animals there!
After we finished at the exhibits we found this field near the entrance of the zoo with an awesome staircase and of course a picnic and mini photoshoot was necessary.
I have tried up loading some of the pics but blogger is being a little iffy so I'll keep trying another day. Until then Happy Tuesday!
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Hump Day Randomness
We recently joined Brad's company kickball team. There is nothing that confuses me more than when his coworkers are looking him in the face and calling him Brandon. I sit there thinking "why the heck are they calling him Brandon?!" Oh yeah...that's his real name. You will never catch me calling him that though he always has been and will be Brad to me.
Speaking of that man...he has been sick as a dog this past week. Poor guy over works himself all the time. He was nice enough to share his sickness with me, hello sinus infection. At least he is thoughtful, today he texted me asking how I was feeling and if I needed him to pick up anything from the store. He's a real catch I tell ya.
In 25 days I will be back in good ole Georgia. We will be going for the baby sisters high school graduation, can't believe she is old enough. You know I will be eating my fair share of Chick-fil-a. I miss it oh so much! Plus I'm super excited because ALL my family will be there, it will be wonderful.
I have been loving the sunshine and warm days we are having here in New York. It makes living here bearable will I can open up my windows and feel the spring breeze and then hop in the car, roll down all the windows, and get funny looks as I jam to my country music. I'm nervous to put my snow boots away just because I don't want to jinx it.
Anyways, life is oh so sweet. Happy Hump Day
Speaking of that man...he has been sick as a dog this past week. Poor guy over works himself all the time. He was nice enough to share his sickness with me, hello sinus infection. At least he is thoughtful, today he texted me asking how I was feeling and if I needed him to pick up anything from the store. He's a real catch I tell ya.
In 25 days I will be back in good ole Georgia. We will be going for the baby sisters high school graduation, can't believe she is old enough. You know I will be eating my fair share of Chick-fil-a. I miss it oh so much! Plus I'm super excited because ALL my family will be there, it will be wonderful.
I have been loving the sunshine and warm days we are having here in New York. It makes living here bearable will I can open up my windows and feel the spring breeze and then hop in the car, roll down all the windows, and get funny looks as I jam to my country music. I'm nervous to put my snow boots away just because I don't want to jinx it.
Anyways, life is oh so sweet. Happy Hump Day
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Protecting What's Important
It's been awhile since I've blogged, I'm sorry. Life has picked up again and Brad and I seem to always be busy with school, work, and church callings. A lot has happened lately that has me thinking about the future.
Last weekend was General Conference. I absolutely LOVE conference weekends. I find it to be such a blessing that we have modern day prophets who receive revelation from God just for us. I personally think this was the best conference ever. A favorite for me was Marriage: Watch and Learn by Elder Clayton. As a newly wed I learned SO much from this talk. My favorite was at the end when he stated "Marriage is a gift from God to us; the quality of our marriages is a gift from us to Him." What a perspective to have on Marriage. Marriage is not always fun and games, it does have its ups and downs. After this talk Brad and I had a long and loving conversation about this talk. It was just what the two of us needed and we both learned so much. We decided that we need to make a more conscious effort to make sure that we are doing our very best to make sure that we are giving the best gift we can. I know that just in this past week our home and relationship has been a lot happier and healthier.
After the bombings in Boston this Monday, the whole thing with the legalization of Gay Marriages, all the shootings, and the ordeal with the Boy Scouts, I can't help but cringe when I think of all the evils of the world. It makes me sad to see all these people suffering or thinking that they are finding "happiness" in their choices. It makes me sad to what society now finds acceptable. I often find myself contemplating not having kids because I don't want them to be raised in a society like we have now. I don't want to put one of God's children here and see them suffer. However, I know that it is all part of His plan. We are all sent here to be tested and we all have our agency (which I am not a big fan of, at all). Boyd K. Packer gave an excellent talk this past weekend at conference titled These Things I Know. In the talk he states " We will not always be safe from the adversary’s influence, even within our own homes. We need to protect our nestlings.
We live in a very dangerous world that threatens those things that are most spiritual. The family,
the fundamental organization in time and eternity, is under attack from
forces seen and unseen. The adversary is about. His objective is to
cause injury. If he can weaken and destroy the family, he will have
Saints recognize the transcendent importance of the family and strive
to live in such a way that the adversary cannot steal into our homes. We
find safety and security for ourselves and our children in honoring the
covenants we have made and living up to the ordinary acts of obedience
required of the followers of Christ." This really spoke to me. It got me thinking am I doing all that I can to make sure my home is a safe haven? I took a look around my house. We have Ensigns on our table, Quotes from General Authorities on the fridge, pictures of the Temple, and we read our scriptures, but is that enough? As I was looking around I realized that I didn't have a picture of Christ in my home. I was shocked and to be honest, embarrassed. That is now top on my list of things to get. I was slapped in the face with another thing I need to make a conscious effort to do, not just when I have children but now when it's just Brad and I.
I am so blessed to be a member of The Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and I'm so grateful that twice a year I have the opportunity to hear from modern day Prophets and Apostles.
Friday, April 5, 2013
I figured now that it's almost been a week since Easter I should probably post about how we spent our Easter Weekend. Friday night we dyed Easter Eggs for our date night. It was a lot of fun! I even made a pink polka dotted one (my fav) Saturday we were blessed with beautiful weather, it was almost as if spring was right on our doorstep. I also did some Easter crafting! Sunday morning we woke up and went to church! I wore my new chevron maxi skirt which has to be hands down the most comfortable piece of clothing I own. Our sacrament meeting was all about missionary work which bothered me a little bit because it was Easter Sunday for crying out loud. I personally feel like it should have been about our Savior's Atonement and Resurrection, since that is what we are actually celebrating at Easter. Anyways, then we went to Sunday school which was again about missionary work. Then it was my turn to teach in young women's. Just a little heads up, I hate teaching. I love making handouts and doing all the fun things that go along with a lesson but asking me to teach, it is not my favorite. I sometimes feel as if I'm not qualified enough for the job. I'm not much older than these girls and sometimes it's a tad bit intimidating. I have a really embarrassing story though. I know everyone enjoys those. I was so focused on my reading in my lesson that I pronounced Pilate as Pilates (like the exercise). SERIOUSLY?!?! Can't even believe that happened. At least non of the girls noticed. I cried. So embarrassing. Also I had this wonderful Easter dinner planned out but half of the things didn't get made because I forgot to buy half the things I needed. However, we did have a delicious ham, green bean casserole, a hash brown casserole, and of course a bunny cake!
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Easter Egg Date Night |
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Easter Sunday! |
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Niagara Falls
Is it just me or does everyone have the urge to use the bathroom when they hear the phrase "Niagara Falls"? Maybe it's because my sisters and I used to torment each other by saying that on long car rides when one of us had to go to the bathroom.
Last weekend was ward conference and we were bad and decided to skip to go to Niagara Falls. You see it's only a 2 hour trip from where we live and neither of us had been so we decided to just go for it. Talk about a fun but FREEZING trip. We did both sides (The Canadian and American) of the park. It was so beautiful with all the snow around it but we want to go back in the summer because that is when everything comes to life there and we will probably enjoy it more because we won't be freezing our booties off. They also had a neat little museum there that told the history of the falls and I'm pretty sure that was Brad's favorite part. It was also St. Patrick's Day and you can't tell because we are all bundled up but we were wearing green. We did see a rainbow though so I'm hoping that means we will be extra lucky this year!
Now for some pictures from our trip
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Us at the Falls! |
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The Falls/The Rainbow |
It was the perfect little get away and break from reality. Plus I can now say I've been to Canada!
Hope everyone has an awesome week! I am so excited for Easter next weekend! What do you have planned?
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
just breathe
Life has been pretty crazy around here...
They all take up so much time. There are days where I just want to sit down and breathe for a second. Now I'm not saying that being busy is not good. I for one like to be busy and I like to have a routine but sometimes it just seems like it's too much. Sometimes I just feel like if I have a good cry for a minute and then everything will be okay.
Today was one of those days.
I don't know who told my ward choir director I could sing but if I ever find out I might punch you in the throat {justkidding...maybe}because somehow I got dragged into singing in sacrament on Sunday because it's Relief Society Sunday. JOY. I don't consider myself to be a singer maybe it's because I grew up in a house with a mom and sister who have voices of angels {I seriously could listen to them sing all day} I can't read music at ALL but if I stand next to someone who can sing I can fake it till I make it. Anyways, I had singing practice this morning at 9:30am. Then I came home and did laundry, I used to love doing laundry but now that there is two of us it seems more like a chore every time I do it. Also it's finals week so add in studying for a final and then taking it to my "to do" list. It was also Wednesday which means mutual, we watched a movie. Life gets a little more difficult when you have to share a car and you both have to two different places at the same time. I wish people were punctual, start and end on time {probably one of my biggest pet peeves, if I'm being honest}
I would say I'm ready for the weekend but that just brings on waking up early and going to work or church. So I'm going to say I'm ready for March 20th to get here because Mo is coming to visit me and I couldn't be more excited!
Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
Victoria's Secret
It's been a whole month since I've started working at good ole VS.
I can't believe how fast it has gone by.
I remember the night of my first day. I had come home from work and my feet and legs were throbbing. I knew I had to get up for work at 5 the next morning so I went and took a hot bubble bath hoping that it would make my legs feel better and help me sleep better that night but it didn't. I remember waking Brad up and saying we needed to go get medicine right then and there. So we hopped in the car and drove to Wal-mart to get some medicine, what a good husband I have. Thankfully my feet quickly adjusted, getting new shoes and gel inserts probably helped a lot with that problem.
For waking up at 5am three days a week I have to say most of the time I enjoy my job and don't dread waking up so early and working all day long. Working in a store full of girls was a big concern for me when I took the job, you see girls and I don't always get along and of course there will always be one who hates me (luckily I don't have to work with her very often) but on a more positive note there is a girl from North Carolina and we totally clicked so it's nice to have a girl to talk to and it is a bonus she is from the South.
Also working there comes with awesome free/cheap gifts! I have 2 new bras for free already and I've only worked there for a month. I also got recognized at our bra summit/shrink meeting. I was so happy and I was the only new girl who got recognized so I that made it even better! I usually only work in shipment but the last two weeks I have also worked in pink and beauty so I'm getting to know everything. And as sad as this sounds they told me when I onboarded that soon I would be able to tell you a bra's name just by looking at the straps and to be honest I can do it for the most part.
As much as I enjoy my job and enjoy making money there are days where I really miss my weekends with Brad. I work Friday and Saturday so it pretty much limits what we can do since I have to be up so early. Plus, life is about to get really crazy because I will be taking a bigger course load this next term. To say I'm a little nervous would be an understatement. Overall though I am so grateful for the job I have mostly because it gives me something to do!
And since I know somebody will ask me...Maybe one day I will tell you all Victoria's Secret! ;)
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