But I'm feeling 22.
On the 29th I turned the magical age of 22. Not really magical but it was still such a fun day!
I luckily had the day off work and woke up to a vase of beautiful flowers, a sweet card, balloons, and yummy dove chocolates. I may have had one or two after breakfast! ;)
Birthday Flowers, Cake, Card, and Chocolates |
Birthday Cake and Balloon |
Brad got off early and we headed to the fair. I was SO excited! I grew up going to the fair every year with my family and I was looking forward to seeing how this one compared.We got lucky and Brad's company had tickets to get us in for free which was awesome! So really all we had to pay for was parking and the fair food (SO delicious but SO bad for you). We spent the day looking at the exhibits, watching shows, going to the circus, and my favorite going to the horse stables.
Hawaiian Ice at the Fair |
My trooper of a husband, poor guy was sick and tired! |
I really had such an awesome birthday. I'm so excited to see what 22 brings me! I'm hoping for big life accomplishments! Thank you to all of those who sent me birthday wishes!
Love this Boy! |
I have been such a slacker at blogging lately. Lots of things going on around here with school and work. I will be starting a new job on Tuesday and of course it happens the same week that midterms are going on. I will try to be better about keeping up with the good ole blog!
I hope everyone has an exciting Labor Day! We will be making our way down to Alexandria Bay to tour the Boldt Castle and I'm so excited! So expect a post with pictures to recap that fun adventure!
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