Tuesday, February 12, 2013

...and the baby turns 18

I have no idea when it happened but it did...she grew up. Tomorrow is baby sisters 18th birthday.
I can't believe how fast she has grown up and what an incredible young lady she continues to become. Even though I am a big sister I still have so much to learn from her. Never have I met someone who is so genuinely sweet. Those who count her as a friend are so lucky because she is the best friend anyone could ask for.

While I was in Georgia, we went with her to play bingo at the assisted living home. It made me so proud to be her sister. Watching her interact with the elders almost brought tears to my eyes. They all love her and it is very obvious that she treasures her time that she spends with them and really gets to know these people. She has always been that way though, making friends with everyone she meets.

I can't wait to see what the future holds for Miss Colby, she is a great girl with a great big heart!

 Happy Birthday Colby,
I love you and miss you so much! I'm so grateful for the relationship we have and for how close we have gotten as we have grown up. I will never forget all the times we spent going to Lake Horton for our sister dates and the many nights we have stayed up talking at our sister sleepovers! Thanks for being the best!

1 comment :

  1. thank you brettly! this is very sweet! you are amazing!
