Monday, September 30, 2013

How bout them apples?!

This past week has been stressful. I had two major breakdowns. Not like I'm proud to say it, but admitting it is the first step to recovery right?! I have bad anxiety because I like to plan EVERYTHING, and I stress way to easily. I'm trying to learn to let go, and leave it all in God's hands. He knows the big picture and I'm just seeing a microscopic part of it.

Anyways, Friday afternoon Brad got off early and we headed to the apple orchards on what seemed to be the perfect fall day. The fall breeze and the scent of apples seemed to be the perfect scene for a perfect day with my boy.

 I had such a wonderful time walking hand in hand with that handsome boy of mine down each of the aisles of trees. As we were walking through the orchards, I can't explain how good it felt to be laughing and forgetting about all the stressful things {work & school} life throws our way and just enjoying the company of one another.

I'm so grateful and excited that October is just around the corner. General Conference is this weekend and I'm thrilled. It seems like conference always comes at the perfect time! As fall is starting to come in full swing, I figure now is the perfect time to start to become a better person that I know I'm capable of. 

In other news this weekend we signed a lease for our next apartment for the next couple of months, and got another calling at church! With all that we have going on within the next few months this year will be over before we know it.

Happy Monday Friends! 

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Recent Happenings

I know, I know.  I totally suck at being consistent here on the blog.
If only I were as OCD about the blog as I am about everything else in the world.
Y'all would probably get sick of me though. haha.

I can't believe it's been since my birthday, almost a month ago.
How is September almost over already?!?!

Also, do you like how I promised a post on our Labor Day trip to Alexandria Bay...
 yeah sorry that hasn't happened yet. 
At least it gives me something to blog about next time, or the time after that. ;)

I feel like I'm a broken record on this whole "Life is so busy for the both of us between work, school, and callings" but let's be honest that is the chapter of our life right now and "Come what may and love it"
...such a nice quote right?

Here is a quick catch up of the most recent happenings:

I was released from my young women's calling. I'm not sure I ever talked about this but I'm now in sunbeams and I LOVE it. Primary is the place for me. I have 6 kids in my class, 2 girls and 4 boys. I'm just so blessed to not have gotten the other class because those children are TERRIBLE. 

Brad is still in young men's and the whole ward loves that he is in there. I get told all the time how great he is with the boys and the boys absolutely love him. 

I got a new job at Hobby Lobby and it is so me. Although I'm still technically employed by Victoria Secret, I never pick up shifts there. I'm working about 24 hours a week at Hobby Lobby and it's been so wonderful. Although, it has been an adventure trying to figure out how to make sure I get my school work done all at the same time, but so far so good. I love going to work and time always flys by while I'm there. I can't wait till I get enough saved up for school so I can put that discount to use.

Speaking of school...I have three terms left, 27 weeks to be exact. May 18th could not come soon enough. I am so ready to be done with this stage and on to the next! ;)

And last but not least it looks like we will be staying here in good ole New York for another winter. I'm not the most excited about having to put on snow boots, coats, and hats, on just to go outside, or driving in the snow for that matter but I'm going to try to stay positive about it. 

So there is your update. If you made it through the whole thing I'm quite impressed.  I'm going to try to blog at least twice a week. Some people have mentioned my lack of blogging so I'm going to try to get better.

Happy First Day Of Fall!


Sunday, September 1, 2013

I don't know about you

But I'm feeling 22.

On the 29th I turned the magical age of 22. Not really magical but it was still such a fun day!
I luckily had the day off work and woke up to a vase of beautiful flowers, a sweet card, balloons, and yummy dove chocolates. I may have had one or two after breakfast! ;)

Birthday Flowers, Cake, Card, and Chocolates

Birthday Cake and Balloon

Brad got off early and we headed to the fair. I was SO excited! I grew up going to the fair every year with my family and I was looking forward to seeing how this one compared.We got lucky and Brad's company had tickets to get us in for free which was awesome! So really all we had to pay for was parking and the fair food (SO delicious but SO bad for you). We spent the day looking at the exhibits, watching shows, going to the circus, and my favorite going to the horse stables.

Hawaiian Ice at the Fair

My trooper of a husband, poor guy was sick and tired!

I really had such an awesome birthday. I'm so excited to see what 22 brings me! I'm hoping for big life accomplishments! Thank you to all of those who sent me birthday wishes! 

Love this Boy!

I have been such a slacker at blogging lately. Lots of things going on around here with school and work. I will be starting a new job on Tuesday and of course it happens the same week that midterms are going on. I will try to be better about keeping up with the good ole blog!

I hope everyone has an exciting Labor Day! We will be making our way down to Alexandria Bay to tour the Boldt Castle and I'm so excited! So expect a post with pictures to recap that fun adventure!