Thursday, November 27, 2014

Thanksgiving 2014

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! I figured now would be the perfect time to get back into blogging world. I've been thinking about it a lot lately and today I actually have some down time and figured I would be productive with it instead of scrolling through social media all day long!

Thanksgiving is probably my second favorite holiday, after Christmas of course. This year Brad and I are spending our 3rd Thanksgiving together. It's crazy to think our first one was just 2 days after Brad asked me to be his girlfriend! Our first Thanksgiving as a married couple was spent in New York City, we went for the weekend and we have so many wonderful and "funny" memories from that trip, I use quotations because it wasn't funny at the time but now I just look back and die laughing. I'm so grateful that we finally have a snow free Thanksgiving. I will take the autumn hued leaves and 50 degree weather over snow any day! 

I love that Thanksgiving is all about giving thanks for all that we are blessed with and boy have we been blessed this year. Not to say we haven't had our trials but our blessings have definitely made up for them.

I figured I would go ahead and make a list of some things I am feeling especially grateful for this year.

1. The Gospel of Jesus Christ. I am so grateful for the knowledge that I have of a loving Heavenly Father who just wants the best for me. This has been such a comfort especially during the times I felt alone or stressed this year. (still working on that goal of not being so stressed all the time).

2. My family. I am REALLY blessed in this department. This year they have shown so much love and support for me and for Brad. I love that they have taken him in and support him as well. I wish so badly that we all lived close. I miss seeing and spending time with them. I feel like I miss so much.

3. This year both Brad and I have been so blessed to be able to accomplish some of our biggest dreams. I graduated from college and Brad is almost halfway done with his first year of Dental School.

4. My job. I L-O-V-E being a nanny, and to the sweetest baby girl ever. I love not working retail because I always have weekends and holidays off.

Those are the more serious things I'm thankful for but if I'm being honest I'm also thankful for things like: Technology (makes living away from home a little easier because we can do things like skype, call, text, etc), Proactive (I've always struggled with my acne and let me just say proactive is always a lifesaver), and let's be real...dry shampoo (why did it take me so long to discover this?!).

I hope everyone has a wonderful thanksgiving, whether you are spending it with friends or family (or both). I'm ready to eat my body weight today (don't worry I'm wearing stretchy pants) and then decorate for Christmas! ;)

Sunday, October 12, 2014

A Little Love Letter

Dearest Husband,

I just wanted to write you a little thank you letter. Lately I have been feeling SO grateful to be your wifey. So here are some of the little things that make my love for you grow even more each day. These are in no particular order (just as they come to mind).

#1- That you take pictures without complaining. As you know I follow a lot of blogs and they are always complaining about how their hubbys are always such a pain when it comes to taking pictures. While I know it is not your favorite thing to do, you always do it because you know how much I love having pictures to look back on.

#2- How you always ask me what is for dinner and then as soon as I start making it you take over. As someone who HATES making dinner you have no idea how much this means to me.

#3- I love that you ask me about my job daily and are so interested in the little baby girl I nanny. It gives me a glimpse into the future about how you are going to be such an incredible daddy. Our kids will be the luckiest to have a dad that cares so much about them. {side note: #babyhunger is a real thing!}

#4- The little love notes you leave me occasionally. As I've already blogged about this is totally my love language. Words mean so much to me and I'm on cloud nine when I find them throughout the house/in my lunches.

#5- Lately I've had a hard time figuring out where I fit in, which has been hard on me. But one thing I know for sure is that I always have you and that makes me that happiest girl in the whole entire world. How lucky am I to have a husband who I want to spend every second of every day with.

I could seriously go on and on about how blessed I am to be your wifey but I'm pretty sure I should stop with the mushy lovey dovey good stuff before all the other ladies get jealous of what a catch of a husband I have! I love you, Brad!

Your Very Lucky Wifey
Thursday, September 4, 2014

As of Late

A lot has happened since the last time I blogged. Here is what life has looked like as of late.

Brad started fall semester and got elected as an ADEA representative for his class. Dental School is a very funny thing to witness. Being an outsider looking in at the situation it really just looks like an extension of undergrad sorority and fraternity drama mixed with a whole lot of studying. Interesting mix for sure. You have the ones who study all the time and then you have the ones who just treat it as one big social event.

My friend Haley (from middle school, high school, and college) got married on August 23rd. It was so fun to get to go back and see her and Matt finally tie the knot. Being a part of the wedding and being kind of behind the scenes watching everyone adore the love that those two share was probably the best part. I'm telling you though a lot of work goes into a wedding. 

On August 29th, I turned 23. I don't know why but birthdays just don't seem to be the same, they just feel like a normal day. I kind of miss getting all excited about birthdays. I guess that's a sign that I'm getting old. Another sign would be that I was THRILLED to get patio furniture and a free dinner at Panera!

Brad and I got callings at church as the 11 year old scout leaders this past Sunday.  Can I just tell you how OVERWHELMED I am. Holy cow. We just sat through our first meeting last night and I feel like I'm in over my head. I didn't grow up with brothers so I know absolutely nothing about the scouting program. It's a good thing I'm married to like the scouting guru. This will definitely be a growing experience for me but I'm excited to learn new things, and secretly I'm hoping that this is a sign I will have some boys in my future! haha.

I have finally started my job as a nanny. So far it has gone super well, I feel so blessed with all the jobs I've had in my life. One of the highlights of this job is that it is only 5 minutes from where Brad goes to school, one of my favorite parts of the day is driving to and from work with him, definitely makes traffic more bearable.

It's been nice to start getting into a routine/schedule. We do SO much better when we are on one (type A personalities over here). We are more productive and happier. I'm looking forward to all the things that fall has to offer!

Pretty soon I'll put up a home tour of our apartment that we are absolutely in love with. It's coming together and I just have about 2-3 more final touches to make! So stay tuned!

Monday, August 18, 2014

Life Lately

I've been slacking on blogging lately and honestly I have no excuses!

My last day at Hobby Lobby was July 31st and I don't start my nanny job until September 2nd so I have enjoyed being able to sit by the pool and soak up the sun though since we didn't have much of that in Washington or New York. However, I'm so excited to start working again, especially since I'll be watching a newborn all day. I can't think of a better job! :]

Brad finished his first semester of Dental School on August 12th and I have loved having him around all week long. We have been busy sitting by the pool, beach, and eating more sweet treats than we probably should. He starts his fall semester tomorrow and will be taking 26 credits hours so he will definitely be a busy guy.

My parents came to visit us this past weekend and we loved having them here! We went to the beach, explored beautiful downtown, ate lots of delicious food, and my parents were even kind enough to take pictures for our 2 year anniversary!

Charleston has been so good to us! We love it here and have enjoyed this summer even though we have been working/ going to school for the most of it! I personally am so excited for all things fall: cooler weather, layers and boots, and yummy scents and treats!
Saturday, July 19, 2014

The Best Two Years

Today we celebrate two years of marriage, the BEST two years!

The other day Brad and I were talking about how we view life in general. Brad is much more of a look towards the future kind of guy while I am definitely a person who is reflective of the past (a blessing and a curse). Since I am the reflective kind of person I have been reflecting this month on what these past two years of marriage brought us. I am overwhelmed with the amount of blessings that we've had in our marriage so far.

To My Husband,
Thank you for the best two years of my life! I am so thankful to have married you two years ago today in the House of the Lord, where we were sealed for time and all eternity. Together we have created a life that has a perfect balance of adventure and quality time together, these past two years have shown that. As much as I hate moving I'm thankful for the opportunity we have had to move so much together. It's such a testimony that home isn't where you are at, it's who you are with, and I'm so blessed to have you by my side as we go to new places to do and discover new things. I love you more than words can describe! Happy Anniversary, Brad!

Two Year Anniversary from Brett Schmidt on Vimeo.
Sunday, June 29, 2014

5 Love Languages

Today in church we talked about the 5 Love Languages. The lesson was about visiting teaching but I for some reason kept thinking about it in terms of marriage, mine specifically. In the meeting we went through each love language I became more and more intrigued. As I listened to the description of each I figured out in my mind that my love language was words of affirmation and planned on confirming it later this evening. So I decided to go to and take the test. Here were my results:

1. Words of Affirmation
2. Acts of Service
3. Quality Time
4. Physical Touch
5. Receiving Gifts

I wasn't surprised at all to see that words of affirmation was obviously my love language. Growing up I was the one who always left everyone little notes and I still do it to this day. I am so grateful that my family showed they loved me through my love language (even though they hadn't heard about this until I told them about it today). There were many times I would find notes from my mom, dad, and sisters. I have kept every note ever given to me no matter how simple. They are kept in a pink folder and I look back on them often. The downfall to this being my language of love is that peoples opinions and comments can make or break any day. I'm a sensitive person, especially when it comes to words.

The description given defined me almost to a T.

"Actions don't always speak louder than words. If this is your love language, unsolicited compliments mean the world to you. Hearing the words, "I love you" are important--hearing the reasons behind that love sends your spirits skyward. Insults can leave you shattered and are not easily forgotten. You thrive on hearing kind and encouraging words that build you up."

Now back to why I kept thinking back to marriage...Throughout my young marriage (2 years in July!) I have noticed how Brad and I feel loved is very different, it's not a bad thing but I believe it is an important thing to recognize early on. I believe that by knowing the best way to show love to your spouse early on will definitely help you in the long run. We are not perfect by any means, and especially after today it made me realize how much improving I (we) have to do.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

I Did It

On May 30th I graduated from Troy University.It's crazy to think that I have my bachelors degree and successfully made it through undergrad. I have always dreamed of graduating from college. I was the first person on my dad's side to ever graduate from college, and the first grand kid on my mom's side to graduate from college.

Along the way I had people tell me I wouldn't ever finish, especially when Brad and I got married and I was only 2 years into school. Although there were many times throughout my experience I wanted to just quit, I always knew I would finish. This was something I really wanted.

I feel blessed to have had the opportunity to go to college. I couldn't have asked for a better support team behind me. I probably wouldn't have made it through without the emotional support of my family and husband cheering me along every step of the way and getting me through the bumps along the way. I'm grateful for the example my parents were to me of the value of education and that they were always there encouraging me to pursue a higher education. I'm thankful for a husband who was willing to support my dream of getting an education and realized how important it was. I know there were times I slacked off on my wifey duties like cooking and cleaning because I was going to school full time and working two jobs in order to pay for it. I'm thankful that he was understanding during that crazy time in our lives. I could go on and on about how big of a support my family was to me during these past 4 years.

This might make me sound really prideful but I'm going to say it anyway, so judge away... I am proud of myself. College tested and stretched me in many ways, some I can't even explain. I can say that I really grew during those 4 years academically and in my personal life. I worked so hard to get to this point and I can honestly say I earned that degree.

Even though I may never use my degree, I know it was important for me to get for two main reasons. The first is that if something ever happened to Brad I would be able to provide for us, this gives me comfort although I hope nothing ever happens to my mancub. The second is that  I want our children to know how important education is, it is the only thing we will be able to take with us when we die. I want them to understand that even though it may seem like a sacrifice on many levels it is so so so worth it.

It still doesn't feel real that I am finished with that chapter of my life. The day I walked across that stage and received my diploma was such an emotional day. I would be lying if I said I didn't shed a tear, or two, or maybe more than I could count that day, tears for the good times and bad times that came with this journey. 

But like I said before that chapter has closed and the future is oh so bright. I can't wait to see what this next chapter has in store for me. 

Friday, June 13, 2014

Just Stopping In

Hi. Hello. How are you?

I'm just stopping in to say hello and that after a long, long, longg (unintentional) break from blogging I am back in action. 

Life was crazy the month of May, between graduating college and moving down to Charleston, South Carolina. We were living out of boxes and suitcases and well to be honest blogging was not on my priority list.

But now that school is over (well for me that is) and we are now getting all settled into our new home (well apartment) and into a routine I promise to be better about blogging because I actually have time and want to.

Within the next week you can expect a post all about my recent graduation from Troy University. Once the apartment is all decorated I'll definitely post a little home tour of our apartment, to say I love it would be an understatement.

Ahh, I'm so glad to be back!See you again, soon! :)
Sunday, March 2, 2014

Fulfilling our Dreams

I have a lot to catch up on in the bloggy world. But we will cover one thing at a time.

I'm so happy I can finally spill the beans (no, I'm not pregnant. haha).

Back in the beginning of January we went Down to Charleston, South Carolina for Brad to interview with the Dental Program at the Medical University of South Carolina. I fell in love with the city and could totally imagine us living down there. Brad's birthday week was pretty great for him this year, we found out his patent that he worked on while we lived in Washington was finally made official and even more exciting we found out that he was ACCEPTED to Dental School! We are so thrilled to be moving back down south, and to Charleston to be more specific!

Brad will be starting Dental School June 2. It's coming up so soon, but it feels like it's taking forever to get here because we just want to be there already!!

I'm so proud of my cute husband for putting himself out there and fulfilling his dreams! He has worked so hard for this and I'm so excited to be by his side as we go through this exciting change!

Stay tuned for a recap of my trip to Georgia this weekend!


Saturday, February 1, 2014

Sometimes you just have to let it out

I wish I was good at writing so I could get it all out. You know true raw emotions.
Our world is a scary scary place to live in.

You know what the worst feeling in the world is...when that scary becomes a part of your daily family life. Although I don't live with my parents and sisters anymore they still mean the world to me and I hate it when anyone messes with them. I wish I kept up with my sisters and parents more than I do, and after an incident this week I'm making a bigger effort to be more involved in their lives even though we are miles away.

My sisters and I have had our ups and downs. As I'm sure every set of siblings does but I'm so grateful for them and can't imagine my life without them.

There is nothing I want to do more than hold my baby sister so tight all night long and be able to tell her that I love her and I'm here for her no matter what. I pray for her safety and protection every night, and for her to know of the love that we have for her. That she will feel the Saviors loving arms protecting her and embracing her through these scary times.

I would also hug my older sister and tell her how sorry I am for all of those times I was so unforgiving. It is one of the only regrets I have in my life, and I seriously REGRET it. I wish I would have just let things go and let the past be the past. I truly am sorry. I'm grateful that you were able to be patient with me because I'm so happy with where we are at now with our relationship and only see it getting better and better as life goes on! 

I wish I could tell my parents how much us girls love them. They do SO much for us and would do anything to make sure we were safe and taken care of. My parents were and always are right there when we need them the most. They will fly or drive millions of miles without the blink of an eye.

I wish I could hug my mom and just cry with her, because sometimes that is the only thing you can and want to do. Especially when you don't know all the answers to all the "whys" of life. She is my best friend in life and I definitely hurt when she hurts. There is no love quite like that of a mothers.

I would hug my dad and tell him how amazing he is. For always being the one who knows exactly what to say, the one who has so much wisdom, and loves all of his girls no matter what. I know he would go to the moon and back to make sure that we protected.

I guess what I'm trying to say is I love my family. For those of you who are near yours give them a big hug and hold them tight and never ever take them for granted. I don't know why it always works like this but it seems like trials always to bring us together. 

Sunday, January 5, 2014


Another year has come and gone and it's crazy to think of how fast they fly by.

2014 is an even year which for an OCD person like me, means it's destined to be a great year. Two examples: (2012)-Got married to that sweet hubby of mine. (2010)- Graduated high school. See what I mean?!

It seems to be quite the trend that people always set a goal that somehow relates to health and fitness. While I think these are great goals and have been known to have one myself every single year I've decided this year will be different. I will try to improve myself. So here are some of my goals for 2014.

Graduate college. I've spent four years of my life trying to accomplish this goal and I can't wait to finish come this May. At times it has been the most stressful thing in my life but if I'm being honest I love school. I love the structure of it and I love learning and performing well. I have been blessed with jobs that have allowed me to make school my top priority while also enabling me to go to college for four years without taking out any student loans. Most of all I love the support that I have from my family and my husband. I couldn't ask for a better support group. They are always there telling me I can do it and how proud of me they are. There is no better feeling in this world. 

I hope to get my anxiety under control. This is really going to be a struggle for me as I feel like it's gotten worse as I've gotten older. Like I said above I am very much a perfectionist. When we lived in Washington I had a really bad panic attack, I'm not really sure how it came about but I seriously thought I was dying. I've never had one before and I have to admit that I remember that night so vividly and I feel like it still affects me to this day. I can feel the difference that the panic attack had on me and I'm ready to let go of that, move on, let things not stress me out, and go back to my happy, stress free days.

Another goal I have is to not compare myself to others. In today's society I'm sure we all get caught up in it. How can we not when we have facebook, blogs, and instagram  constantly shoving it in our faces. Between the exotic trips that everyone is taking, the beautiful homes that everyone is building, and the "perfect" lives that we get a glimpse of. I often times find myself getting angry or comparing myself with those who seem to be more "established". I need to remember to take a look at my own life and enjoy the chapter of life that I'm in instead of comparing it to the "perfection" I see on social media sites.

I'm looking forward to 2014. I'm pretty sure there will be a lot of {GOOD} changes in the Schmidt household!