I should probably make a goal to blog more. Brad and I have spent the last hour reading through past posts and I just have to say it has been SO fun...and let's be honest I cried during both the anniversary recap videos--I'm a sucker for romance and love, especially mine and mancub's love story. It's crazy to see how much we have done in the short time we've been together. Blogging should for sure be one of my New Year Resolutions.
Anyways. Let's chat about Christmas for awhile shall we. This Christmas was one of the best for me. It was so fun because my WHOLE family was actually together to celebrate, talk about the best present ever. It's been a long time since that has happened and we took advantage of all the time together. I can't believe that we didn't get one single picture of all of us together!
The first night we got there we went to Pine Mountain to go on a train ride to see lights. My niece loves trains so this night was all about her. And although the line to get on the 15 minute train ride was hours long it was fun to chat with my family and soak in all the cute things my niece did. You guys, she was blowing kisses at frosty the snowman. Seriously, if that isn't the cutest thing ever I don't know what is.
One of the days my dad took us all to the shooting range. I was totally freaking out before hand because I have never shot a gun before. It's a good skill to have so I wanted to learn, I was just so worried about all the things that could go wrong. Anyways, I ended up having such a fun time. Plus, I loved getting to see all the guys in the family bond over guns.
On Christmas Eve the Steven's Family came down and we had a Cafe Rio style lunch and did our traditional gingerbread houses. It was so fun to see them and catch up. Afterwards we opened presents (my parents went all out and spoiled us rotten) and later watched the Polar Express. After that we left cookies and Dr. Pepper for Santa and then went to bed. On Christmas Day my older sister and her cute family had to leave to go back to Utah. It made me so sad. I wish we could have had more time together!
The rest of the week was just spent between hanging with my family and going to do Christmas celebrations with Brad's side of the family. I can't believe how fast the week went by and it was bitter sweet to come back to Charleston! I'm already looking forward to the next time we are all together again.
Sometime this week I'll be posting about my goals for 2015. I have high hopes for this year and am really going to try to become the best version of myself. I would love to know what everyone else's goals are! Happy New Year to each and every one of you!
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