Tuesday, January 26, 2016

28 week appointment

Hello Third Trimester! So very nice to see you!

Today I had my 28 week appointment. I was scheduled for my glucose test, an ultrasound, and an appointment with my doctor. Excitement all around.

First of all I was SO nervous about the glucose test. People make it sound like it's the worst thing ever. I actually really liked the drink (I got the orange flavor) and the part I hated was getting my blood drawn but that isn't anything new. I'm hoping I don't get a call tomorrow saying I have to take the 3 hour test. Fingers crossed.

Anyways, after beginning the test I got called back for my ultrasound. At first I was really worried because it was the tech who was so rude to me at my first ultrasound. Luckily she seemed to be in a better mood today and was actually sweet and we did lots of looking at baby girl in 3D. The woman probably thought I was crazy as I had tears rolling down my face seeing our sweet girl actually looking like a human! Poor thing has my huge nose and personally I think looks a lot like me but with Brad's chin. I think she's absolutely adorable the way she is but of course I may be biased because I'm her mom. She will always be beautiful in my eyes. I asked the technician if she could tell if she had any hair and of course my fear of having a bald baby might just be coming true. I see lots of bows and headbands in our future!

The rest of my appointment went well. Baby girl is measuring about a week-week and a half smaller than she should be. She weighs a whopping 2lbs 2oz, but my doctor isn't too concerned yet. She did tell me after I get the results back from my glucose test tomorrow, I need to start packing on the pounds so that will be real exciting. I'll have another ultrasound in a month to make sure she is growing more and if not we will go from there, all my other appointments will be every 2 weeks from here on out though. I'm really praying she grows though because my doctor said if not then we will have to discuss a plan for a growth restricted baby. So here's to packing on the pounds so baby girl can get the nutrients she needs to grow and be healthy!

Thursday, January 14, 2016

A few thoughts on pregnancy

I realized I never blogged about our 24 week appointment and that's pretty much because those appointments feel kind of pointless after awhile. I spend most of my time in waiting rooms and then talk to the doctor for like 10 min and then we are out of there. The best part is always hearing baby girls heartbeat but they only listen for like 1-2 minutes. My next appointment is the glucose test as well as another ultrasound! I am freaking out about the glucose test but so excited to see how much our little girl has grown!

Anyways, onto some random thoughts about pregnancy. I always imagined it being SO different then what it's been. Not that it's been a bad experience, it's actually been really easy and great, just different from what I expected.

For starters I always see these bloggers doing these cute little pregnancy questionnaires. I always imagined myself doing that but let's be real, my answers would be really boring to read every 4 weeks because not much changes. In fact there have been some days where I don't even feel pregnant.

I always envisioned having these weird cravings and kind of looked forward to seeing what weird combinations of things I would come up with but honestly I don't have cravings, everything tastes the same and nothing ever really sounds super delicious that I have to have it right that second. I have one food aversion and that's potatoes! It makes me so sad because the one time I could get away with eating all the French fries I wanted with no judgement I can't even enjoy them.

I thought I would have an adorable baby bump by now. I mean I'm only 5'2 so I figured I would pop pretty fast. I mean it's getting there but slowly. Haha. I guess I should be grateful for that but sometimes I feel like I'm still in that "is she pregnant or is she just getting fat" stage.

The hormones. Holy cow. I have never gone from so in love to so angry in such a short time span. It's scary and frustrating which only makes it worse. There are sometimes I don't even feel like me.

And this is going to make me sound totally lame but I always imagined registering for baby items being so fun and almost should I say magical. Honestly that's not how it went at all. The people at the store were not helpful at all. It's hard to sit there and think of all the things you do and don't need for a baby, add in all the different brands of things and I thought my head was going to explode.

Anyways, on a more positive note it has been really fun to go through this experience. I'm so grateful that my body is capable of carrying a baby.

Although it's not what I imagined it being like it's more than what I could have ever hoped and dreamed it would be.

My love for Brad has gotten deeper through this whole experience. He's been a total rockstar and support system from the very beginning days where I spent 3 mornings a week hugging the toilet bowl, to the times my loving self turns into a mad woman. He is going to be such a great daddy and loves on our baby girl as much as he can. He is always asking to see her and always wants to feel her kicks. He loves when I snuggle him at night as we are falling asleep because that's when baby girl likes to let us know she's there. He says he would let her kick his back all night long! He tells me every day he wishes she was here already.

It's been so fun to set up her nursery and I love that there are pieces in there that my mom and I have made together, and seeing her dresser that Brad spent Christmas break sanding and painting makes me so happy. I love that in her drawers there are pieces that I wore as a baby.

Most importantly I'm so grateful for the spirit she is bringing into our home already. I get emotional just thinking about her and what she will be like and what kind of trials she will face in her life. I want to protect her from heartbreak and hurt but I know I can only do so much, I know she will have to face these things. But I want to be the best mom I can be for her. I want her to know most importantly that she will never have to go through those things alone, that I will always be there to lift her up.

She is teaching me so much about the love that my Savior and Heavenly Father have for me and I hope to return that favor to her as she grows. I find myself drawing closer to them throughout this pregnancy as I pray for her each day  and try to better myself so that I am intune with the spirit and can provide her with the things she needs.

We are only 14 weeks away from due date and I hope the rest goes by just as fast as it has been. We can wait to bring our baby girl into our home and family!

Sunday, January 3, 2016

It's a new year so you know what that means...

I love even numbers so I think this year is going to be a really good one. Every even numbered year great things have happened. We got married in 2012, I graduated college and Brad started Dental School in 2014, this year we are having a BABY, and in 2018 Brad will graduate from Dental School. So you can say even numbered years are kind of our thing! ;)

Anyways, I've spent the last week really thinking about goals to make for this new year. I really want to improve not only individually but as a wife and well now, mother. I'm all about people holding me accountable so I thought I would share here on the blog.

My top goal is to be present. This is something I really struggle with. I could spend all day scrolling on my phone with all the different social media feeds. Honestly I don't know why this is so hard for me because I get nothing out of it and really it doesn't do anything to increase my relationship with those I am actually with.  But I'm really going to try this year to put my phone down more during the day.

My second goal is to create a more Christ centered home. As I'm preparing to become a mom I have thought and prayed each day about how to make sure our little one knows that she is loved by her Savior and what that really means. I also want to deepen my personal relationship with Christ and I know as I do things to make sure the spirit can be felt in our home both of those will happen.

My final goal is to take more pictures and to increase my photography knowledge. I figure both of these will kind of happen naturally this year as we are adding a new member to our family. I love pictures just for the purpose of looking back on things we did throughout the year and I would really like them to be quality pictures not just ones I snap through my phone. It sometimes feels like such a pain to tote around the big camera but the final outcome is so much better.

Those are my top three goals that I really want to improve on throughout this next year, of course I have some smaller ones that I will be also working on the side. If you have any tips on how to improve on any of these goals please share in the comments, we all know I could use all the help I can get!

Happy New Year and may this next year bring about a new you! :)