Sunday, January 3, 2016

It's a new year so you know what that means...

I love even numbers so I think this year is going to be a really good one. Every even numbered year great things have happened. We got married in 2012, I graduated college and Brad started Dental School in 2014, this year we are having a BABY, and in 2018 Brad will graduate from Dental School. So you can say even numbered years are kind of our thing! ;)

Anyways, I've spent the last week really thinking about goals to make for this new year. I really want to improve not only individually but as a wife and well now, mother. I'm all about people holding me accountable so I thought I would share here on the blog.

My top goal is to be present. This is something I really struggle with. I could spend all day scrolling on my phone with all the different social media feeds. Honestly I don't know why this is so hard for me because I get nothing out of it and really it doesn't do anything to increase my relationship with those I am actually with.  But I'm really going to try this year to put my phone down more during the day.

My second goal is to create a more Christ centered home. As I'm preparing to become a mom I have thought and prayed each day about how to make sure our little one knows that she is loved by her Savior and what that really means. I also want to deepen my personal relationship with Christ and I know as I do things to make sure the spirit can be felt in our home both of those will happen.

My final goal is to take more pictures and to increase my photography knowledge. I figure both of these will kind of happen naturally this year as we are adding a new member to our family. I love pictures just for the purpose of looking back on things we did throughout the year and I would really like them to be quality pictures not just ones I snap through my phone. It sometimes feels like such a pain to tote around the big camera but the final outcome is so much better.

Those are my top three goals that I really want to improve on throughout this next year, of course I have some smaller ones that I will be also working on the side. If you have any tips on how to improve on any of these goals please share in the comments, we all know I could use all the help I can get!

Happy New Year and may this next year bring about a new you! :)

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