Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Our First Thanksgiving

Our First Thanksgiving was one I will never forget. Brad and I were lucky enough to spend 3 days in New York City. We left Wednesday at 11 to start the 4 hour trip into the city. It's weird though, we live in New York but had to go through Pennsylvania and New Jersey to get there. Anyways, we ended up getting into the city at 6. Talk about a long and tiring day. However that was just the beginning.

To anyone who may be traveling into the city, the Lincoln Tunnel is a toll road, and it's a $12 toll. Insane I know. First lesson learned: always carry some cash with you on trips. We drove for pretty much a hour trying to find someone who would let us take cash out. Let's just say that was a hard task. 

After we got settled in our hotel we hopped on the subway to go to dinner. We went and ate at the cutest Italian hole in the wall restaurant. Everything was so delicious. Best Italian I have ever had. It was so fun too because it was a family run place, and so everyone was speaking Italian. 

Following dinner, we got back on the subway and headed to Times Square. That place is way more exciting at night. All the lights really bring the place to life! After spending some time at Times Square we headed to the Rockefeller Plaza. Ice Skating at the Plaza has always been a dream of mine. I was thrilled to be there and was taking in every minute. I kept telling Brad to pinch me because I felt like I was in a dream.

Thursday morning we were up by 5 to go save our spot for the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade {another bucket list item}. Just in case you didn't know over 3.5 million people attend this parade. That is a lot of people. We stood next to a family who had traveled all the way from Australia to see it. It was so crowded but since we woke up early we only had one family between us and the floats, so we had a pretty good view. It was such a pretty day too, nice blue skies and no snow or rain! It was incredible to see how big the balloons are in real life, and how small the floats actually look in comparison to what they do on TV. 

After the parade ended we headed back to the hotel, the subways were so crowded too since everyone had just come from watching the parade and wanted to hurry home to start their own Thanksgiving festivities. That night we ended up eating dinner at some random restaurant and had a small Thanksgiving Meal.

We had such a wonderful trip and definitely one that will always have a special place in my heart. 
I have so much to be thankful for this year so I will just list 5 things:
1) I am thankful to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and to have the knowledge that I have a loving Heavenly Father who blesses me on a daily basis. I am thankful for a Savior who atoned for my sins and that through His sacrifice I am able to return to live with my Father in Heaven.
2) I am thankful for temples and the work that goes on in them. This year I was able to experience the biggest blessing of my life and it is such an incredible blessing that I have to be sealed to the love of my life and to be able to have him beyond the grave. 
3) I am thankful for such an incredible family who serves as my biggest love and support system. I know if I was ever in need I could always turn to them.  Even from far away I can feel their love.
4) I am thankful for Brad. He is such an incredible husband. I feel so lucky to be his wifey. I am thankful for the job he has and that he is able to provide for us. For the priesthood he holds and the spirit he brings into our home. I can't imagine my life without him in it.
5) I am thankful for technology. I would be so sad and lonely without it. The highlight of my day is being able to text my mom. I miss her so much and I can't imagine not being able to have a daily conversation with her. Skype was such a life saver when Brad and I were dating and technology really made our long distance relationship easier. Plus I am able to continue my education all online which is such a blessing.

 I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

I Promise We Didn't Die

Hellooooo Bloggy World!
Glad to be back into the cyber world.
Brad and I have been super busy as of late. 
We moved to the opposite side of the country, to New York.
Things have been a roller coaster here but mostly great.

Living out of a hotel for a week was awesome. I mean who doesn't love getting new towels, unlimited hot showers, a fresh made bed, and complimentary breakfast and dinner. EVERY.SINGLE.DAY.
I'm just saying, I wasn't complaining. 

We got to pick up the keys to our new place on Wednesday, I was so excited! I absolutely love our new apartment. It has a cozy fire place, the complex pays the heat and hot water, and for cable TV. Hello awesomeness.  Plus it's brand new so all the walls are crisp and clean. Oh and did I say it has radiant heating in the floors, perfect for these chilly days. We are supposed to get snow on Saturday. I'm kind of nervous. We pass the snow sticks on the road and they go higher than my hip, I'm only 5'2 but seriously...that is a lot of snow.

Thursday we were supposed to move in but it ended up being Friday. I have already met people here in the complex which is such a relief because I did not know one person in my last complex. I have also made friends in our new {much smaller} ward. I really think we are going to love it here. 

We were supposed to get Internet on Friday, but our technician didn't show up so we just got Internet today. Hallelujah. McDonald's was probably getting tired of seeing us everyday, they have free Internet. Did I mention Brad and I are both enrolled in online classes? Yeah. We were dying.

Anyways just a quick update so you know we still exist. Once the movers come and pick up all our boxes I will post a tour of our new apartment. Until then Happy Thanksgiving, I'll be posting my thankful list soon so keep an eye out! 

Thursday, November 8, 2012

A Tribute to Washington

I can't believe the packers are coming tomorrow, bright and early to pack up all our belongings. Brad and I have been having bittersweet feelings as our move has been quickly approaching.We are very excited to see what New York holds for us and have already started talking about things that we would like to do and see while we are there. However, we are sad to see this part of our story come to a close. So here's to Washington. To the place that Brad and I fell in love. To the apartment we lived in as a newlywed couple. To the state where so many memories were made. To Pike's Market, with all the gorgeous flowers, fresh homemade cheese, and the freshest apples. To the Space Needle where Brad and I had our first date, and where Brad got down on one knee to propose. To the Seattle Temple, where I received my endowments and have spent many wonderful date nights with my husband. To Uncle Pete's Pizzeria, who makes the best pizza I have ever tasted. To the wild blackberries at our apartment complex. To many more wonderful and not so wonderful things. Here's to the next chapter in our story book, can't wait to see what comes our way in New York.