Monday, September 30, 2013

How bout them apples?!

This past week has been stressful. I had two major breakdowns. Not like I'm proud to say it, but admitting it is the first step to recovery right?! I have bad anxiety because I like to plan EVERYTHING, and I stress way to easily. I'm trying to learn to let go, and leave it all in God's hands. He knows the big picture and I'm just seeing a microscopic part of it.

Anyways, Friday afternoon Brad got off early and we headed to the apple orchards on what seemed to be the perfect fall day. The fall breeze and the scent of apples seemed to be the perfect scene for a perfect day with my boy.

 I had such a wonderful time walking hand in hand with that handsome boy of mine down each of the aisles of trees. As we were walking through the orchards, I can't explain how good it felt to be laughing and forgetting about all the stressful things {work & school} life throws our way and just enjoying the company of one another.

I'm so grateful and excited that October is just around the corner. General Conference is this weekend and I'm thrilled. It seems like conference always comes at the perfect time! As fall is starting to come in full swing, I figure now is the perfect time to start to become a better person that I know I'm capable of. 

In other news this weekend we signed a lease for our next apartment for the next couple of months, and got another calling at church! With all that we have going on within the next few months this year will be over before we know it.

Happy Monday Friends! 

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