Friday, April 1, 2016

Midnight Thoughts

The other night I woke up around 2:50 am. That seems to be a magical hour for little Brynn and I. She likes to wake up and stretch her legs, which always leads to me having to get up and use the restroom  or readjust how I'm sleeping so I can breathe. I really don't mind it and usually fall back asleep as soon as I get back in bed or get comfortable.

That night it took me a little longer to fall back asleep though. Which meant my mind was wondering with all kinds of thoughts. On this night specifically I thought about how soon it will no longer be just Brad and I and I got all kinds of emotional as he laid there asleep next to me.

This year Brad and I will celebrate 4 years together. It went by so fast that I can't even believe it. And while we are so grateful for the time we had just the two of us, we know how much better our little girl is going to make our lives. I got so emotional because I was looking at it from the perspective of the ending of an era but really we are about to enter the best years of our lives!

We are like little kids on Christmas Eve waiting for Santa to come as each day that passes we wonder if it will finally be the day we become a family of three. We are so ready to be able to bring our girl home and to love on her as much as we can.

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