Saturday, December 5, 2015

20 week appointment

Yesterday we had our big 20 week appointment! I'll just go ahead and get my one complaint out--the wait at this doctors office is obnoxious! The total time we were there came to a little over 2 hours!!

Anyways, moving on! We were scheduled for our ultrasound first so we got called relatively quick to get that done! It was our big anatomy scan so I was looking forward to finding out the gender of our baby and spend more time making sure everything was developing correctly!

After my last appointment and all the craziness that happened I was nervous to see what my heart rate and blood pressure were. Blood pressure was great again at 124/68. . I wish I didn't get white coat syndrome but I totally do, so my heart rate was close to 100 again but my doctor said as long as it's under 100 we are good. And of course you always get weighed, my nurse usually doesn't tell me how much I've gained so this time I asked her because I was curious how much weight I had gained since becoming pregnant. I weigh myself about once a week at home but I know it's not always accurate. Thankfully she replied with a smile and said "there's no need to worry about weight gain with you, you've only gained 4 lbs total so far". Whew what a relief. I know weight gain is going to happen, as it should to make sure baby is getting what it needs. So I'm not too worried about it.

Back to our sweet baby...In case you missed the announcement on social media, we will be welcoming a sweet baby girl into our home! Brad will be outnumbered but he's going to love every single second of it!

 Let's just say baby girl is mighty comfortable in there! I even ate some candy before hand so that we would be able to find out the gender. She cooperated for that but other than that she just wanted to sleep I believe! She is already face down and head down which is great news! Although the doctor says she will probably flip a few more times before its time to deliver that seems to be her favorite position. The ultrasound tech had to keep shaking and poking my stomach to try to get her to roll over for one of the measurements. She got baby girl to roll over but she only stayed like that for 2-3minutes and then was back to her former position. I loved watching our baby girl on that screen and listening/seeing her heart beat.

Our baby girl loves to have her hands by her head! She had one up at the side the whole entire time. I'm wondering if this is really common in babies? The little girl I nanny did the same thing in her ultrasounds and continues to sleep with a hand always by her head. I'm interested to see if once our baby is here if we will see her little hands poking through her swaddles.

The cutest thing to me was the fact that she had her little ankles crossed. I don't know why I think that's so adorable but I do. We got some great pictures of her little feet!

Apparently she has the perfect spine! (We may be biased because we already think she's perfect) the technician kept going on and on about  how perfect it is. We got to take home a really neat picture of it too. Kind of nerdy but way cool how detailed it is.

My favorite pictures are always the profile shots. From what we can tell we think she will have my nose. It looks wider at the end and Brad has a really narrow nose so we think it's mine. I guess we will see once she gets here. It's so crazy to compare each ultrasound picture to the last, because she's growing so fast!

We are so glad that everything is developing right on track and feel so blessed to be welcoming a healthy little girl! According to the measurements so far, she is measuring about a week smaller but my doctor says that's it's because...hello I'm only 5'2. And that I'm smaller than the average person. So here's to hoping for a smaller baby because let's be real I'm terrified about delivering this girl!


  1. Uhm hi, I'm going to need to see these ultrasound pictures. Also Zoe always measured a week or so behind too. And I'm 5'2" , and she came out at just over 5lbs, so I'm interested to see how small baby girl is!!

    1. As soon as my scanner decides to work I will add them! I'm interested to see how small she is too, Brad weighed 6 something and I was 7 something so I'm expecting on the smaller end!

  2. Uhm hi, I'm going to need to see these ultrasound pictures. Also Zoe always measured a week or so behind too. And I'm 5'2" , and she came out at just over 5lbs, so I'm interested to see how small baby girl is!!
