We are so thrilled to be welcoming you into our little family. I never want to forget the day we found out we would be welcoming you, our baby girl! Yesterday this pregnancy became so much more real to me. I can't stop wondering about who you will look like and who you will become. Of course I did that before but I had no idea if you were a boy or girl! All of my friends had me convinced that you were going to be a boy, but I should've listened to my momma gut because I had two dreams where you were a girl and my goodness you were beautiful. In my dreams you look a lot like your Aunt Colby did when she was a baby.
No matter what you look like you will be so loved by so many people. I pray that you and I will share the same relationship as your Honey and I do. It's the sweetest kind that could be found on this earth. I pray that I will not only be your mom but your best friend! The first one you will always want to call and tell stories to no matter how special or routine they may be.
I already know you will have your dad wrapped around you sweet little finger. He has spent this whole pregnancy wishing for a girl! He longs for the evenings he can come home and spend time snuggling you, so we really hope you like to snuggle because there will be no shortage of that going on.
We really can't wait for you to be here! We can't wait to be able to hold you in our arms, kiss on your sweet little face, and listen to the coos that will fill our home.
We love you more than anything sweet girl!
Mom and Dad
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