Dear Baby Girl,
It's been awhile since I've written you a letter. That isn't because I haven't been thinking about you because that couldn't be further from the truth. You consume my thoughts day and night and I wouldn't want it to be any other way.
Your room is the only room in the house that I get cell service so I find myself in there quite frequently. As I sit in the glider I dream about the days and nights I will spend sitting in that exact spot but with you in my hands rather than my cell phone. You will always be so much better than that silly thing. I can't wait to snuggle you, to gently rub your face as you drift to sleep, to try anything to get you to grin. It makes my heart skip a beat knowing that in approximately 9 weeks our home and hearts will be filled with you and your cute coos and cries.
This past weekend I did 4 loads of tiny laundry. FOUR. I may have to reorganize the other closets in the apartment to make room for all the clothes you have, because your dresser is already filled to the brim. One thing is certain your Honey loves to shop for you! You will always be well dressed. Honey even saved outfits that I wore as a baby that I can't wait to see you in them.
Baby girl you are my dream come true. I've wanted to be a mom for as long as I can remember and it feels surreal that it is getting closer and closer! I can't wait to see the relationship you have with your daddy. He is so in love with you already and I know you will have him wrapped around your little fingers. He loves telling his classmates about you and how you are growing and moving a lot these days. We may be fighting over whose turn it is to hold and love on you for a long time.
It's crazy to think that come Saturday we will be in single digit weeks until we meet you! I'm hoping you are like your daddy and come right on time! ;) for now you just keep on growing sweet girl! I love you to the moon and back!
Love Always,
Your Momma
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