Wednesday, March 6, 2013

just breathe

Life has been pretty crazy around here...

They all take up so much time. There are days where I just want to sit down and breathe for a second. Now I'm not saying that being busy is not good. I for one like to be busy and I like to have a routine but sometimes it just seems like it's too much. Sometimes I just feel like if I have a good cry for a minute and then everything will be okay.

Today was one of those days. 

I don't know who told my ward choir director I could sing but if I ever find out I might punch you in the throat {justkidding...maybe}because somehow I got dragged into singing in sacrament on Sunday because it's Relief Society Sunday. JOY. I don't consider myself to be a singer maybe it's because I grew up in a house with a mom and sister who have voices of angels {I seriously could listen to them sing all day} I can't read music at ALL but if I stand next to someone who can sing I can fake it till I make it. Anyways, I had singing practice this morning at 9:30am. Then I came home and did laundry, I used to love doing laundry but now that there is two of us it seems more like a chore every time I do it. Also it's finals week so add in studying for a final and then taking it to my "to do" list. It was also Wednesday which means mutual, we watched a movie. Life gets a little more difficult when you have to share a car and you both have to two different places at the same time. I wish people were punctual, start and end on time {probably one of my biggest pet peeves, if I'm being honest}

I would say I'm ready for the weekend but that just brings on waking up early and going to work or church. So I'm going to say I'm ready for  March 20th to get here because Mo is coming to visit me and I couldn't be more excited!

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!

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