Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Every Love Story Is Beautiful

I've had a lot on my mind lately. The biggest one is how much I love married life (not the fairy tale married life that every girl dreams of) but OUR married life. Is it always easy well no not really, but it's ALWAYS worth it. One of the biggest things that my parents taught me is how important marriage and family are.

The past few days I have felt so in love with Brad and with our marriage. I am not sure if it's because next month we will be celebrating ONE YEAR or if I'm just now becoming more aware of how much I love the little things that makes us...well US. We are still in the newlywed stage and I want to take advantage of this time in our life.

I have a confession though, I am always comparing the things we do to the things that other newlywed bloggers do. I know they say "Comparison is the thief of joy" and lately this has screamed to be so true to me.

Do we do something fun and exciting every weekend, not at all. Do we do the cute stuff that girls see all over Pinterest boards, no. (Do I try? YES. haha) We do however manage to have a good time every weekend whether that is going to the temple, a festival downtown, or simply just staying home and relaxing. There is nothing I love more than the simple things that make our marriage seem magical like the way Brad always holds my hand as we say our nightly prayer, or the way he will come and slow dance with me when I've had a rough day and just need to be held.

Although things at our house have been a little crazy lately there is nothing more comforting than knowing
that we can turn to our Heavenly Father for His loving guidance. We are trusting in Him and I know that He has the perfect plan for us, no matter what that plan is, I know it will be an amazing journey.


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