Sunday, July 7, 2013

"God Shows His Love By Giving Us Families"

This past week the baby sister came to visit me. Although it was a spur of the moment trip I'm so glad she came! Since I've been so homesick lately it was a nice little pick me up especially since I would have been sitting at home all by myself all week! While she was here we just had to go visit all the church history sites. So on Tuesday we headed to Palmyra, NY which is only about 45 minutes from our apartment. Within the first 15 minutes of the drive I felt like I had got stung on my arm and it was swelling and turning red, I look down and see a yellow jacket just chilling on my chest like its no big deal. Of course I start freaking out, so we pull over to a gas station, and Colby took care of me. Thank goodness she was there. topic sorry.

So the first thing we did was the Joseph Smith Farm. I had already been once before but it was still just as fun and uplifting as it was the first time. I liked how each tour guide tells their favorite stories about the history of the Joseph Smith Farm. Both times had totally different stories and I definitely learned new things. After we finished touring the Farm we went in the Sacred Grove. However, we didn't stay in there as long as I thought we would because the mosquitoes are bad because of all the rain we've been getting and since I had been stung by a yellow jacket earlier and Colby has hives due to an allergic reaction we decided it was best to not stay out too long.

After we finished up there we went and walked around the Palmyra Temple Grounds. It reminds we a lot of the Birmingham Temple where Brad and I were sealed (almost a year ago!) Then we were off to the LDS Bookstore (so I could get a picture of Christ for our apartment). After we got the picture we walked to go get pizza at this little whole in the wall pizza place, it was seriously the best pizza and it really hit the spot. Then of course we had to go get some ice cream and it was in this cute little shop that was run by elderly people. And let me tell you something Colby and I LOVE talking with elderly people, we probably could have stayed there all day. However, we had so much to do still.

Hill Cumorah was next. Although pageant is this upcoming weekend I still wanted to go and take Colby especially since I hadn't gone yet. We walked into the Visitors Center and I immediately could feel the spirit. We had a sister missionary take us around and we sat in front of the Christus Statue. I teared up a little but I held it in. It wasn't until we were taken into the theater to watch a short clip about how families are forever that I completely lost it.

I really wish I could find a link to that video because although it is so simple it is so beautiful. There were so many parts that the spirit was so strong in that room. The one part that stuck out to me was "God shows His love by giving us families." See I told you it was simple but yet this simple phrase spoke wonders to me. Our loving Heavenly Father knew what He was doing. He knew how much we would need our families for their love and support as we go through this test of life on Earth. We had families in Heaven before so why wouldn't we have them here. It may be because like I mentioned before I have been so homesick but I am just so grateful that my Heavenly Father loved and cared about me so much that He sent me to a wonderful family here on Earth that I know I can always count on to love and support me. After the video ended Colby and I drove to the top of the hill and had a wonderful heart to heart. I'm so grateful that we were able to go on a spiritually uplifting trip for the day.

Thanks for coming to visit me, Colby! Hopefully the North didn't treat you too bad!

1 comment :

  1. I enjoyed my trip with you! It was definitely overdue! I had a great time and the yankees aren't as bad as i thought! Thank you for letting me come!
