Thursday, June 21, 2018

Baby Number 2

I finally have some time to sit down and write about baby number 2! Between Brad's graduation, moving, and that first trimester fatigue, time has pretty much escaped me.

On Wednesday, April 4th, I was hit with some random nausea as I was running to the grocery store. We had been trying for months so I thought that maybe this was FINALLY it! I grabbed a pregnancy test while out and was coming up with all these ideas to surprise Brad when he got home from school. Well I took the test and it was NEGATIVE! Of course, I was bummed. Taking pregnancy tests are the absolute worsts. But I just marked it up as having a little bug or something. 

I called my mom the next day and just cried and cried about how I would probably never get pregnant again. I'm sure that sounds so ungrateful and many would say, "well at least you have one". I'm super thankful for Brynn and for the opportunity I had to carry her, but we also want to grow our family and give her at least one sibling if not more! But it will never be lost on me how blessed I am to have one child.

Anyways, Saturday morning Brad was cooking breakfast with Brynn and randomly said "I think you should take a pregnancy test". I told him I already did 3 days ago and it was negative. He convinced me to take another one. So I ran to the bathroom and so quickly those double lines show up, just like they did with Brynn. I was in shock!! I walked out to the kitchen and go up to Brynn and said "I hope you are ready to be a big sister" Brad was in shock and asked me if I was messing with him 2 or 3 times before he finally just went and saw the results for himself. 

The rest of that day was chaos as we ran to a few different stores trying to find a shirt that said "BIG SISTER" so we could send it to our families. The responses we got were hilarious as many of them didn't pick up on it at first.

We are so thrilled to be adding another baby to our family. I am 15 weeks and can't believe how fast this pregnancy has gone. Half the time I don't even feel pregnant but now that I've popped I'm starting to look it and that is a reminder for sure. haha. I was really blessed to not get sick this time around, just felt super tired all the time. Thankfully Brad had so much time off that he could watch Brynn while I took naps. We have another appointment next week and it will be with a new doctor so I'm secretly hoping we will get an ultrasound and get to find out the gender of this baby. I'm ready to start nesting! haha. Part of me thinks it's a boy just because this pregnancy has been so different but everyone else thinks it's another girl! We will be thrilled either way! 

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