It's crazy to think another year is almost come and gone. Before we close the book of 2015 I'd like to take a look back on each chapter (month) of this book! It was a great one here in the Schmidt household!
January: This month we celebrated Brad's 28th birthday by eating at Hall's Chophouse courtesy of my bosses! It was probably the second best steak we've ever eaten (first being the space needle steak). This month we also found over 15 starfish during our walk at Folly Beach! This may be a totally lame highlight of my year but it makes my list!
February: I hosted our first annual Valentine's Dinner! I had such a blast planning and decorating for this party! I can't wait to start planning the next one! :) Brad planned our celebrations for actual Valentine's Day this year and they included a sunrise on the beach and trying out a great brunch spot, Lost Dog cafe!
March: This was such a crazy month for us! We spent a lot of time in the car between driving to Georgia for various reasons! Brad attended his first dental conference, the Hinman.
April: Thanks to our apartment complex we got to attend my first ever hockey game, supporting the Charleston sting rays! It was so fun because we had great seats and it was free and that always makes the best kind of date nights!
May: Brad took a break from studying and we got out and enjoyed the great weather by going to see the ghost busters film on one of the squares downtown. It was so fun to hear music before hand, grab some food from the vendors and just enjoy time with one another. We also attended one of our friends cinco de mayo party and had a great time and enjoyed yummy food!
June: In June I got to host a bridal shower for my cousin Shae! It was so fun to take on that task and I had a blast planning it! (I love parties!)
July: We celebrated the 4th by picking blueberries in the morning, having a picnic lunch with some friends, then going to the fireworks later that day with different friends. It's a Fourth of July I'll never forget because it was SO rainy and stormy! Then we were back in Georgia again for my cousins wedding! It was a hot but great day! We also celebrated 3 years of marriage, most days it feels like we've been together for a lot longer than that. It was a super low key celebration but that's what happens when your anniversary falls on a Sunday!
August: This was probably the best month out of the year for us because we found out we are expecting a baby come April 2016! We are still over the moon excited and I don't think that will ever change! My friend, Katie threw a great surprise birthday party for me to celebrate turning 24. Seriously she's the best!
September: I honestly have zero pictures from this month! So I can't even remember what happened besides announcing to social media that we were pregnant! Other than that I spent this month going to bed super early (I'm talking 7ish some nights) and throwing up about once every three days. Pregnancy sure is glamorous. Brad of course was busy with school and picking up my slack! He is seriously the best!
October: Such a fun month and I'm pretty sure it's because it pretty much starts all the holiday celebrations! We went to a pumpkin patch with some of our friends from the apartment complex and it was SO fun! They have a hayride that you can feed cows on when they take you out to the pasture, they seriously come right up to you! We left the patch without a pumpkin but still had a great time! We had our ward trunk or treat and then we went over to some friends house for a party on the actually day of Halloween!
November: Another month that I can't really remember much of. This is why I should take more pictures! My mom came out for thanksgiving though and we enjoyed a lovely thanksgiving meal with our dear friends the Meree's and McGauleys! After that my mom and I did some serious Black Friday shopping! I love when my mom comes to visit!
December: I feel like this month is so busy for everyone. For the majority of it I felt like I was a chicken running with my head cut off and had one too many emotional breakdowns! On the 4th we found out that little baby b is a girl and I've had such a fun time getting things ready for her nursery and buying clothes for her! Brad and I got to enjoy the week of Christmas with my family and now it's back to reality where my days are filled with working.
We are so thankful for all the many things we've been blessed with this year and can't wait to see what 2016 has in store for us! But if 2016 wants to fast forward to April we won't be mad over here, can't wait to have our sweet girl in our arms!
Happy New Year friends! May it bring you love and happiness! :)
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Saturday, December 5, 2015
20 week appointment
Yesterday we had our big 20 week appointment! I'll just go ahead and get my one complaint out--the wait at this doctors office is obnoxious! The total time we were there came to a little over 2 hours!!
Anyways, moving on! We were scheduled for our ultrasound first so we got called relatively quick to get that done! It was our big anatomy scan so I was looking forward to finding out the gender of our baby and spend more time making sure everything was developing correctly!
After my last appointment and all the craziness that happened I was nervous to see what my heart rate and blood pressure were. Blood pressure was great again at 124/68. . I wish I didn't get white coat syndrome but I totally do, so my heart rate was close to 100 again but my doctor said as long as it's under 100 we are good. And of course you always get weighed, my nurse usually doesn't tell me how much I've gained so this time I asked her because I was curious how much weight I had gained since becoming pregnant. I weigh myself about once a week at home but I know it's not always accurate. Thankfully she replied with a smile and said "there's no need to worry about weight gain with you, you've only gained 4 lbs total so far". Whew what a relief. I know weight gain is going to happen, as it should to make sure baby is getting what it needs. So I'm not too worried about it.
Back to our sweet baby...In case you missed the announcement on social media, we will be welcoming a sweet baby girl into our home! Brad will be outnumbered but he's going to love every single second of it!
Let's just say baby girl is mighty comfortable in there! I even ate some candy before hand so that we would be able to find out the gender. She cooperated for that but other than that she just wanted to sleep I believe! She is already face down and head down which is great news! Although the doctor says she will probably flip a few more times before its time to deliver that seems to be her favorite position. The ultrasound tech had to keep shaking and poking my stomach to try to get her to roll over for one of the measurements. She got baby girl to roll over but she only stayed like that for 2-3minutes and then was back to her former position. I loved watching our baby girl on that screen and listening/seeing her heart beat.
Our baby girl loves to have her hands by her head! She had one up at the side the whole entire time. I'm wondering if this is really common in babies? The little girl I nanny did the same thing in her ultrasounds and continues to sleep with a hand always by her head. I'm interested to see if once our baby is here if we will see her little hands poking through her swaddles.
The cutest thing to me was the fact that she had her little ankles crossed. I don't know why I think that's so adorable but I do. We got some great pictures of her little feet!
Apparently she has the perfect spine! (We may be biased because we already think she's perfect) the technician kept going on and on about how perfect it is. We got to take home a really neat picture of it too. Kind of nerdy but way cool how detailed it is.
My favorite pictures are always the profile shots. From what we can tell we think she will have my nose. It looks wider at the end and Brad has a really narrow nose so we think it's mine. I guess we will see once she gets here. It's so crazy to compare each ultrasound picture to the last, because she's growing so fast!
We are so glad that everything is developing right on track and feel so blessed to be welcoming a healthy little girl! According to the measurements so far, she is measuring about a week smaller but my doctor says that's it's because...hello I'm only 5'2. And that I'm smaller than the average person. So here's to hoping for a smaller baby because let's be real I'm terrified about delivering this girl!
Anyways, moving on! We were scheduled for our ultrasound first so we got called relatively quick to get that done! It was our big anatomy scan so I was looking forward to finding out the gender of our baby and spend more time making sure everything was developing correctly!
After my last appointment and all the craziness that happened I was nervous to see what my heart rate and blood pressure were. Blood pressure was great again at 124/68. . I wish I didn't get white coat syndrome but I totally do, so my heart rate was close to 100 again but my doctor said as long as it's under 100 we are good. And of course you always get weighed, my nurse usually doesn't tell me how much I've gained so this time I asked her because I was curious how much weight I had gained since becoming pregnant. I weigh myself about once a week at home but I know it's not always accurate. Thankfully she replied with a smile and said "there's no need to worry about weight gain with you, you've only gained 4 lbs total so far". Whew what a relief. I know weight gain is going to happen, as it should to make sure baby is getting what it needs. So I'm not too worried about it.
Back to our sweet baby...In case you missed the announcement on social media, we will be welcoming a sweet baby girl into our home! Brad will be outnumbered but he's going to love every single second of it!
Let's just say baby girl is mighty comfortable in there! I even ate some candy before hand so that we would be able to find out the gender. She cooperated for that but other than that she just wanted to sleep I believe! She is already face down and head down which is great news! Although the doctor says she will probably flip a few more times before its time to deliver that seems to be her favorite position. The ultrasound tech had to keep shaking and poking my stomach to try to get her to roll over for one of the measurements. She got baby girl to roll over but she only stayed like that for 2-3minutes and then was back to her former position. I loved watching our baby girl on that screen and listening/seeing her heart beat.
Our baby girl loves to have her hands by her head! She had one up at the side the whole entire time. I'm wondering if this is really common in babies? The little girl I nanny did the same thing in her ultrasounds and continues to sleep with a hand always by her head. I'm interested to see if once our baby is here if we will see her little hands poking through her swaddles.
The cutest thing to me was the fact that she had her little ankles crossed. I don't know why I think that's so adorable but I do. We got some great pictures of her little feet!
Apparently she has the perfect spine! (We may be biased because we already think she's perfect) the technician kept going on and on about how perfect it is. We got to take home a really neat picture of it too. Kind of nerdy but way cool how detailed it is.
My favorite pictures are always the profile shots. From what we can tell we think she will have my nose. It looks wider at the end and Brad has a really narrow nose so we think it's mine. I guess we will see once she gets here. It's so crazy to compare each ultrasound picture to the last, because she's growing so fast!
We are so glad that everything is developing right on track and feel so blessed to be welcoming a healthy little girl! According to the measurements so far, she is measuring about a week smaller but my doctor says that's it's because...hello I'm only 5'2. And that I'm smaller than the average person. So here's to hoping for a smaller baby because let's be real I'm terrified about delivering this girl!
A letter to our baby girl
Dear Little Girl,
We are so thrilled to be welcoming you into our little family. I never want to forget the day we found out we would be welcoming you, our baby girl! Yesterday this pregnancy became so much more real to me. I can't stop wondering about who you will look like and who you will become. Of course I did that before but I had no idea if you were a boy or girl! All of my friends had me convinced that you were going to be a boy, but I should've listened to my momma gut because I had two dreams where you were a girl and my goodness you were beautiful. In my dreams you look a lot like your Aunt Colby did when she was a baby.
No matter what you look like you will be so loved by so many people. I pray that you and I will share the same relationship as your Honey and I do. It's the sweetest kind that could be found on this earth. I pray that I will not only be your mom but your best friend! The first one you will always want to call and tell stories to no matter how special or routine they may be.
I already know you will have your dad wrapped around you sweet little finger. He has spent this whole pregnancy wishing for a girl! He longs for the evenings he can come home and spend time snuggling you, so we really hope you like to snuggle because there will be no shortage of that going on.
We really can't wait for you to be here! We can't wait to be able to hold you in our arms, kiss on your sweet little face, and listen to the coos that will fill our home.
We love you more than anything sweet girl!
Mom and Dad
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
16 week appointment
Seeing as today I am 18 weeks and 4 days, I have to apologize for getting this up so late. It's been a little crazy around here and I'll explain why in this post.
The day before my appointment I started having some cramp like pain on my left side. I was really nervous because that's not a great sign during pregnancy. I knew I had an appointment the next day and I didn't want to be THAT person who went to the hospital when anything felt a little off. So I sucked it up and figured if it didn't go away I would just ask my doctor about it the next day when I went it, but of course I was anxious about it all night.
When I first got to the doctor I checked in and then waited to meet with the OB nurse. She gave me a huge new mom packet with pages and pages of new mom information about the hospital I would be delivering, classes they recommend taking, and a few parenting magazines. Before I got done talking with her she went over my last blood tests, took my blood pressure and I was off to wait for my doctor. Everything checked out fine with the nurse but I was still nervous about the baby because I had the cramping the night before.
Once I got put into a room a woman came in with the heart Doppler and found the heart beat immediately. I was so relieved that I started crying. The nurse even made a comment that is was a strong and steady heartbeat. I was at peace knowing that our baby was okay.
After about 30 more minutes of waiting my doctor came in and was like we need to talk. All of a sudden I felt my heart start racing. My OB nurse had written down that my heart rate was in the 130s. My doctor expressed her concern because once it gets into the 140s it can start affecting the baby. I was trying so hard not to cry but I was so worried and my mind kept imagining the worst things happening. She took it again and it had gone down some. I told her maybe it was just nerves because I was really anxious about the pain I was having. She checked things out and turns out it's just my uterus stretching to accommodate that sweet baby of ours.
One thing I really love about my doctor is she is really about preventative care. She ordered for me to get more blood work done on top of the normal tests to see if we could figure out what was causing the tachycardia. So we got that done and then she sent us off to the hospital to get an ekg. As soon as I got in the car I lost it. I started bawling. Being pregnant is already emotional enough but add in the fact that your body could be potentially hurting your baby and I was a blubbering mess. I'm so grateful Brad's been able to come to every appointment, but especially that one because I needed him.
We finally got the results back a week later and everything came back within normal ranges and we are chalking that whole thing up as first time mom jitters. We are so relieved and thankful that it isn't anything serious. I have to really monitor my heart rate and take it easy if I feel it going up but that's not hard to do.
Our next appointment is our big 20 week anatomy scan and we seriously can't wait to find out what we are having! We even have a little countdown on our calendar on the fridge! If you have a guess leave it below! :)
The day before my appointment I started having some cramp like pain on my left side. I was really nervous because that's not a great sign during pregnancy. I knew I had an appointment the next day and I didn't want to be THAT person who went to the hospital when anything felt a little off. So I sucked it up and figured if it didn't go away I would just ask my doctor about it the next day when I went it, but of course I was anxious about it all night.
When I first got to the doctor I checked in and then waited to meet with the OB nurse. She gave me a huge new mom packet with pages and pages of new mom information about the hospital I would be delivering, classes they recommend taking, and a few parenting magazines. Before I got done talking with her she went over my last blood tests, took my blood pressure and I was off to wait for my doctor. Everything checked out fine with the nurse but I was still nervous about the baby because I had the cramping the night before.
Once I got put into a room a woman came in with the heart Doppler and found the heart beat immediately. I was so relieved that I started crying. The nurse even made a comment that is was a strong and steady heartbeat. I was at peace knowing that our baby was okay.
After about 30 more minutes of waiting my doctor came in and was like we need to talk. All of a sudden I felt my heart start racing. My OB nurse had written down that my heart rate was in the 130s. My doctor expressed her concern because once it gets into the 140s it can start affecting the baby. I was trying so hard not to cry but I was so worried and my mind kept imagining the worst things happening. She took it again and it had gone down some. I told her maybe it was just nerves because I was really anxious about the pain I was having. She checked things out and turns out it's just my uterus stretching to accommodate that sweet baby of ours.
One thing I really love about my doctor is she is really about preventative care. She ordered for me to get more blood work done on top of the normal tests to see if we could figure out what was causing the tachycardia. So we got that done and then she sent us off to the hospital to get an ekg. As soon as I got in the car I lost it. I started bawling. Being pregnant is already emotional enough but add in the fact that your body could be potentially hurting your baby and I was a blubbering mess. I'm so grateful Brad's been able to come to every appointment, but especially that one because I needed him.
We finally got the results back a week later and everything came back within normal ranges and we are chalking that whole thing up as first time mom jitters. We are so relieved and thankful that it isn't anything serious. I have to really monitor my heart rate and take it easy if I feel it going up but that's not hard to do.
Our next appointment is our big 20 week anatomy scan and we seriously can't wait to find out what we are having! We even have a little countdown on our calendar on the fridge! If you have a guess leave it below! :)
Monday, November 9, 2015
I know I need to still blog about my 16 week appointment but before I do that, I wanted to jot down some of my thoughts. I've said it before but this little blog is my journal space and I want to make sure I remember all the little things and feelings throughout this journey. I have been writing little letters to baby Schmidt about once a week and maybe one day I'll share those; it just hasn't seemed like the right time yet and they really mean a lot to me even though most of the time they are short and just a few little lines here and there.
Pregnancy has been such an emotional journey ( so typical I know, those darn hormones). There are days I love being pregnant and there are those days where I'm so over feeling nauseous and having my back hurt. But I wouldn't trade one hard day for the opportunity I'm getting. I was telling Brad the other day that it was so bittersweet to me that soon I will be halfway done with this pregnancy. He looked at me all confused because he just wants our baby to be here already so he can love and snuggle it. So let me explain. I longed for the day I would get to be pregnant and I was beginning to think I might not ever get that chance. I can't even begin to tell you how many times I cried over the fact of seeing another one of my friends announce they were pregnant. Here I am pregnant and sad about the fact that it's almost halfway over. I do not think I am the typical pregnant woman but I have loved seeing my belly expand as our baby grows bigger each week. It's amazing what our bodies are capable of. I've so enjoyed feeling those little nudges and it makes me sad that in a little over 20 weeks I won't be feeling those anymore. Don't get me wrong, I'm so excited to have this baby in my arms but there is something so special about it just being baby and I. Today I was scrolling Instagram and I was in tears seeing all these pictures of babies and just thinking how lucky I am that I'm a little over 20 weeks that will be me posting about the arrival of this little one we have hoped and prayed so hard for. I am overwhelmed with that feeling.
This baby has already brought so much more love (and worry) into our home. It makes my day when Brad randomly makes comments like "hey I see our baby" as my stomach is poking out a little more each week. Or gives me an extra kiss "for the baby". Brad has recently started studying in the baby's room and it just warms my heart. We don't even have any baby furniture set up in there just a stroller in one of the corners and it just puts the biggest smile on my face when I pass by and I see him eyeing it or pushing it around the room just "to make sure the tires are staying full of air". I can't wait to see Brad take on the role of daddy just because I know he is going to be so incredible at it. On the worry side I thought I had until the baby's arrival before that came but my goodness after this past Thursday and Friday I feel like I got a little glimpse of all the worry that parents experience for their children. It's exhausting both emotionally and physically.
Anyways, this post is getting long enough but be looking for our 16 week appointment recap this week! It was an interesting one to say the least!
Pregnancy has been such an emotional journey ( so typical I know, those darn hormones). There are days I love being pregnant and there are those days where I'm so over feeling nauseous and having my back hurt. But I wouldn't trade one hard day for the opportunity I'm getting. I was telling Brad the other day that it was so bittersweet to me that soon I will be halfway done with this pregnancy. He looked at me all confused because he just wants our baby to be here already so he can love and snuggle it. So let me explain. I longed for the day I would get to be pregnant and I was beginning to think I might not ever get that chance. I can't even begin to tell you how many times I cried over the fact of seeing another one of my friends announce they were pregnant. Here I am pregnant and sad about the fact that it's almost halfway over. I do not think I am the typical pregnant woman but I have loved seeing my belly expand as our baby grows bigger each week. It's amazing what our bodies are capable of. I've so enjoyed feeling those little nudges and it makes me sad that in a little over 20 weeks I won't be feeling those anymore. Don't get me wrong, I'm so excited to have this baby in my arms but there is something so special about it just being baby and I. Today I was scrolling Instagram and I was in tears seeing all these pictures of babies and just thinking how lucky I am that I'm a little over 20 weeks that will be me posting about the arrival of this little one we have hoped and prayed so hard for. I am overwhelmed with that feeling.
This baby has already brought so much more love (and worry) into our home. It makes my day when Brad randomly makes comments like "hey I see our baby" as my stomach is poking out a little more each week. Or gives me an extra kiss "for the baby". Brad has recently started studying in the baby's room and it just warms my heart. We don't even have any baby furniture set up in there just a stroller in one of the corners and it just puts the biggest smile on my face when I pass by and I see him eyeing it or pushing it around the room just "to make sure the tires are staying full of air". I can't wait to see Brad take on the role of daddy just because I know he is going to be so incredible at it. On the worry side I thought I had until the baby's arrival before that came but my goodness after this past Thursday and Friday I feel like I got a little glimpse of all the worry that parents experience for their children. It's exhausting both emotionally and physically.
Anyways, this post is getting long enough but be looking for our 16 week appointment recap this week! It was an interesting one to say the least!
Friday, October 9, 2015
12 Week Appointment
I was scheduled to meet with the OB nurse first, however, when we got there they informed me that I wouldn't be meeting with her because she was out with a sick baby and to just tell the receptionist I needed to meet with her at my next appointment. I'm new to this whole pregnancy thing so I wasn't really sure why I needed to meet with her anyways, so I asked. Basically she will tell me what foods to avoid, how to set up hospital tours, what to expect, etc.
So after checking in I went and sat down in the waiting room. Brad was with me which was so nice because I love how involved he is already but also because I had to bring Ella with me to this appointment and I was really stressing about how she would do since she is teething and had only slept for 10 min, yikes! She was so great though and the doctors and nurses loved her and said she was welcome anytime because she was quiet and sweet and she waved to them every time they passed.
We were lucky and were scheduled for another ultrasound so they take us to this room where they have a huge tv on the wall and then the machine on the side of the bed. I'll be honest at first I HATED the tech I had. I think she assumed that Ella was our baby so she just was going through the routine and being super short. While I was sitting there so excited about every movement because hello this is my first baby!! I'm still in shock when they pull it up and there's actually a baby in there! haha. Finally I said "this is the little girl I nanny, we are so excited to be having our FIRST baby" and I swear she turned into a whole different (nicer) person after that. It was so fun to sit there and compare from our first appointment because #1 the baby actually looks like a baby instead of a blob, and #2 we have a really active little one! Our sweet baby was in there kicking and waving it's little heart out! I think we will have a soccer player on our hands!
Side Note: I know probably no one else out there cares to see our ultrasound pictures, I get it. Most of the time they are hard to see clearly BUT I absolutely love looking at our little one and most of my readers are family and they love seeing baby schmidt too.
After the ultrasound they took me back to triage to get my weight and blood pressure. Once again my blood pressure was great, 102/63. I thought the top number was really low considering 120 is normal but my nurse assured me that they would rather it be low than high and it wasn't a concern. I could get used to this blood pressure while pregnant thing! I'm still below the weight (barely) I had pre-pregnancy but my appetite is coming back so I'm excited to see a bump start to show. I may be a weirdo but I honestly can't wait to have a baby bump!
After triage we had to wait a little bit more to see the doctor. Once we saw her she said we were off to a great start and baby is measuring exactly where it should be. She wanted to run more tests because my thyroid levels were a little higher than what they should be, which is normal within the first trimester of pregnancy, but she wants to be proactive about it just in case there is actually a problem. So she sent me off to the lab with paper work she already did. After they took my blood, which was a struggle y' veins decided they were over it after a vile and they were really working to get a little bit more so they could run all the tests, they ended up doing the genetic testing even though we were going to opt out because of my thyroid, so we should know all of those results within 10 business days.
We were so excited to be able to see our cute baby, each time it becomes more and more real and we feel so blessed to be welcoming a little one into our family next spring. Each ultrasound makes us wish it was here already so we can snuggle him/her. Also, I'm dying to find out what the gender is so I can stop referring to the baby as "it". Hopefully all of the results come back great. I'm praying that my thyroid levels will even out and that our sweet babe will be perfectly healthy.
So after checking in I went and sat down in the waiting room. Brad was with me which was so nice because I love how involved he is already but also because I had to bring Ella with me to this appointment and I was really stressing about how she would do since she is teething and had only slept for 10 min, yikes! She was so great though and the doctors and nurses loved her and said she was welcome anytime because she was quiet and sweet and she waved to them every time they passed.
We were lucky and were scheduled for another ultrasound so they take us to this room where they have a huge tv on the wall and then the machine on the side of the bed. I'll be honest at first I HATED the tech I had. I think she assumed that Ella was our baby so she just was going through the routine and being super short. While I was sitting there so excited about every movement because hello this is my first baby!! I'm still in shock when they pull it up and there's actually a baby in there! haha. Finally I said "this is the little girl I nanny, we are so excited to be having our FIRST baby" and I swear she turned into a whole different (nicer) person after that. It was so fun to sit there and compare from our first appointment because #1 the baby actually looks like a baby instead of a blob, and #2 we have a really active little one! Our sweet baby was in there kicking and waving it's little heart out! I think we will have a soccer player on our hands!
![]() |
baby schmidt at 12 weeks, 5 days |
After the ultrasound they took me back to triage to get my weight and blood pressure. Once again my blood pressure was great, 102/63. I thought the top number was really low considering 120 is normal but my nurse assured me that they would rather it be low than high and it wasn't a concern. I could get used to this blood pressure while pregnant thing! I'm still below the weight (barely) I had pre-pregnancy but my appetite is coming back so I'm excited to see a bump start to show. I may be a weirdo but I honestly can't wait to have a baby bump!
After triage we had to wait a little bit more to see the doctor. Once we saw her she said we were off to a great start and baby is measuring exactly where it should be. She wanted to run more tests because my thyroid levels were a little higher than what they should be, which is normal within the first trimester of pregnancy, but she wants to be proactive about it just in case there is actually a problem. So she sent me off to the lab with paper work she already did. After they took my blood, which was a struggle y' veins decided they were over it after a vile and they were really working to get a little bit more so they could run all the tests, they ended up doing the genetic testing even though we were going to opt out because of my thyroid, so we should know all of those results within 10 business days.
We were so excited to be able to see our cute baby, each time it becomes more and more real and we feel so blessed to be welcoming a little one into our family next spring. Each ultrasound makes us wish it was here already so we can snuggle him/her. Also, I'm dying to find out what the gender is so I can stop referring to the baby as "it". Hopefully all of the results come back great. I'm praying that my thyroid levels will even out and that our sweet babe will be perfectly healthy.
Friday, September 25, 2015
our first doctors appointment
I picked the earliest appointment I could of the day, 8:45 am. What can I say, I was so eager to get this baby confirmed! However, I felt like we were in the waiting room forever. I guess everyone else likes to get their appointments done and out of the way because they were looking for rooms to put people in for a long time.
I was trying so hard to relax so that my blood pressure wouldn't be through the roof because I have a serious case of white coat syndrome. It doesn't even make sense. But I guess this little baby is my lucky charm because it was the lowest its ever been at the doctors! It was actually the ideal blood pressure, so thank you, baby!
Like I said in my previous post I had been in the same room not too long ago, so as soon as they saw me they were like congratulations, that didn't take too long after all.
I had heard that some doctors don't do an ultrasound at the first appointment so I didn't want to get my hopes up when they wheeled in the ultrasound machine because I was just expecting the heart Doppler and I would've been content with that.
However, the technician looked at Brad and I and asked what we were hoping for. Knowing that we wouldn't be able to find out the gender for another 10+ weeks I quickly replied "a healthy baby". haha. Brad said a girl and informed the technician that I would like a boy.
Once the technician got everything set up my doctor came in and started chatting with us. Then she said well lets take a peek at this baby. I was SO excited that we were going to get to see the little babe. Brad came over so that he could see the screen and hold my hand through the process, I was glad he did, not because I was scared, but because I felt like in that moment we were getting to see what we had been dreaming about for a long time.
Then we saw the little heart beating. SO surreal you guys, I started tearing up and Brad squeezed my hand. Although we didn't get to hear it, the doctor said it was beating at about 125-130bpm and was measuring exactly where it should be. It's so crazy to think that baby schmidt is already moving and growing like crazy in there. I can't wait to be able to feel it, but we did get to see it waving it's little arm like it was saying "hi mom and dad".
Our next appointment isn't for another two weeks but I'm so excited to see how much our baby has grown and to hopefully get to hear the heart beat this time around. I will keep y'all posted! I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend! I'll be 11 weeks tomorrow and it's crazy to think that I am almost done with this first trimester! Hopefully time keeps flying because we are so eager to meet our little one!
I was trying so hard to relax so that my blood pressure wouldn't be through the roof because I have a serious case of white coat syndrome. It doesn't even make sense. But I guess this little baby is my lucky charm because it was the lowest its ever been at the doctors! It was actually the ideal blood pressure, so thank you, baby!
Like I said in my previous post I had been in the same room not too long ago, so as soon as they saw me they were like congratulations, that didn't take too long after all.
I had heard that some doctors don't do an ultrasound at the first appointment so I didn't want to get my hopes up when they wheeled in the ultrasound machine because I was just expecting the heart Doppler and I would've been content with that.
However, the technician looked at Brad and I and asked what we were hoping for. Knowing that we wouldn't be able to find out the gender for another 10+ weeks I quickly replied "a healthy baby". haha. Brad said a girl and informed the technician that I would like a boy.
Once the technician got everything set up my doctor came in and started chatting with us. Then she said well lets take a peek at this baby. I was SO excited that we were going to get to see the little babe. Brad came over so that he could see the screen and hold my hand through the process, I was glad he did, not because I was scared, but because I felt like in that moment we were getting to see what we had been dreaming about for a long time.
Then we saw the little heart beating. SO surreal you guys, I started tearing up and Brad squeezed my hand. Although we didn't get to hear it, the doctor said it was beating at about 125-130bpm and was measuring exactly where it should be. It's so crazy to think that baby schmidt is already moving and growing like crazy in there. I can't wait to be able to feel it, but we did get to see it waving it's little arm like it was saying "hi mom and dad".
baby schmidt at 8 weeks, 6 days |
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
that precious double line
I'm back again to continue our story.
So after my appointment which was on July 31st, I went about life as normal. Except for the fact that I had finally convinced myself that it would be awhile before I got pregnant because my doctor had told me for some people it just takes a little longer, and that I would be okay.
Flash forward about a week and a half. I was at the church because I had an interview set up with the bishop to get a new calling and a sister in the ward came up to Brad and I and asked if we were pregnant because we just seemed so happy and like we were glowing. I told her that we wished so badly that we were but that it might be awhile before we got that opportunity.
I was due to start the next day. However, I just didn't feel like I was going to. I usually am really mean the week before and start to cramp a couple of days before I start but I hadn't showed any of those signs. So the next day came and nothing, this didn't really surprise me because sometimes my app is off by a couple of days. I told Brad that I just kept getting this feeling that it wasn't going to start, not that I thought I was pregnant, because I felt great and I had just been to the doctor.
He convinced me to buy a test. I was really hesitant because those things aren't cheap and I really didn't want to see another negative. I went home and debated back and forth about taking it. I think it was getting on Brad's nerves and he was like just take it already, there are two in the pack, so it doesn't really matter. So I headed into the bathroom, I told him when to start the timer, and I sat there to see the results. In the past they have seemed like those 3 minutes are like 300 minutes, but that double line popped up so fast. I was freaking out and I was like uh Brad you need to come here. I thought my eyes were playing games on me, because I was so used to seeing negatives. He was like "nope that's definitely a positive, we are pregnant! we did it!". I felt like I was in shock, I wasn't expecting to see a positive at all, especially after my doctor had told me that for some people it just takes longer. However, we were and are THRILLED.
We spent the rest of the night talking about how blessed we felt because we were finally getting to become parents. All of our prayers and fasting had finally paid off. This whole thing has been such a testimony builder of God's plan for us and how His timing is so perfect.
I won't have to be pregnant during the hot southern summer (hallelujah!) and the baby will be here before Brad takes his first set of boards so we don't have to worry about me going into labor while he is taking a $500 test. Plus Brad won't have to worry about too much studying and can enjoy the baby too since after boards he will just be in the clinic!
Sorry for such a long winded post, props to you if you made it through the end. Next up is all about our first appointment! :)
So after my appointment which was on July 31st, I went about life as normal. Except for the fact that I had finally convinced myself that it would be awhile before I got pregnant because my doctor had told me for some people it just takes a little longer, and that I would be okay.
Flash forward about a week and a half. I was at the church because I had an interview set up with the bishop to get a new calling and a sister in the ward came up to Brad and I and asked if we were pregnant because we just seemed so happy and like we were glowing. I told her that we wished so badly that we were but that it might be awhile before we got that opportunity.
I was due to start the next day. However, I just didn't feel like I was going to. I usually am really mean the week before and start to cramp a couple of days before I start but I hadn't showed any of those signs. So the next day came and nothing, this didn't really surprise me because sometimes my app is off by a couple of days. I told Brad that I just kept getting this feeling that it wasn't going to start, not that I thought I was pregnant, because I felt great and I had just been to the doctor.
He convinced me to buy a test. I was really hesitant because those things aren't cheap and I really didn't want to see another negative. I went home and debated back and forth about taking it. I think it was getting on Brad's nerves and he was like just take it already, there are two in the pack, so it doesn't really matter. So I headed into the bathroom, I told him when to start the timer, and I sat there to see the results. In the past they have seemed like those 3 minutes are like 300 minutes, but that double line popped up so fast. I was freaking out and I was like uh Brad you need to come here. I thought my eyes were playing games on me, because I was so used to seeing negatives. He was like "nope that's definitely a positive, we are pregnant! we did it!". I felt like I was in shock, I wasn't expecting to see a positive at all, especially after my doctor had told me that for some people it just takes longer. However, we were and are THRILLED.
We spent the rest of the night talking about how blessed we felt because we were finally getting to become parents. All of our prayers and fasting had finally paid off. This whole thing has been such a testimony builder of God's plan for us and how His timing is so perfect.
I won't have to be pregnant during the hot southern summer (hallelujah!) and the baby will be here before Brad takes his first set of boards so we don't have to worry about me going into labor while he is taking a $500 test. Plus Brad won't have to worry about too much studying and can enjoy the baby too since after boards he will just be in the clinic!
Sorry for such a long winded post, props to you if you made it through the end. Next up is all about our first appointment! :)
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
our journey to pregnancy
Hi there! I told you I would be back! Let's just get to the very beginning of this.
Ever since I was a little girl I have dreamed about becoming a mom. If you asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up the answer would always be a mom. I always figured I would have an easy time obtaining that dream. I mean you hear of all these people who have sex "just once" and get pregnant, how hard could it be?
For us it took a little bit longer. Before Brad got into Dental School we had been trying for a few months with no luck. Once he got accepted, we put it on hold to see how we would survive dental school. The first two semesters went by and we did a lot of praying and fasting about continuing our efforts to extend our family.
At the beginning of this year we decided we would start trying again. Each month that went by with another negative test got a little more emotional than the last. I was getting frustrated that it wasn't just happening. I was getting bitter seeing more and more people announce their pregnancies when I felt it was my turn.
In July I set up an appointment to meet with my OB/GYN. I had always heard that they don't really do anything about infertility until after a year of trying, but I still wanted to get things checked out to make sure that there weren't any unknown issues that might be making it harder. I am also a stresser (which doesn't help when trying to get pregnant) so I knew that after I talked to a doctor I would feel better about it regardless of the outcome. At my doctors appointment I was reassured once again that everything was checking out normal and as we were wrapping up at the appointment my doctor said "for some people it just takes longer". I went out feeling hopeful, but also with a new faith that I just needed to trust in the Lord's timing and plan for us and our family.
Ever since I was a little girl I have dreamed about becoming a mom. If you asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up the answer would always be a mom. I always figured I would have an easy time obtaining that dream. I mean you hear of all these people who have sex "just once" and get pregnant, how hard could it be?
For us it took a little bit longer. Before Brad got into Dental School we had been trying for a few months with no luck. Once he got accepted, we put it on hold to see how we would survive dental school. The first two semesters went by and we did a lot of praying and fasting about continuing our efforts to extend our family.
At the beginning of this year we decided we would start trying again. Each month that went by with another negative test got a little more emotional than the last. I was getting frustrated that it wasn't just happening. I was getting bitter seeing more and more people announce their pregnancies when I felt it was my turn.
In July I set up an appointment to meet with my OB/GYN. I had always heard that they don't really do anything about infertility until after a year of trying, but I still wanted to get things checked out to make sure that there weren't any unknown issues that might be making it harder. I am also a stresser (which doesn't help when trying to get pregnant) so I knew that after I talked to a doctor I would feel better about it regardless of the outcome. At my doctors appointment I was reassured once again that everything was checking out normal and as we were wrapping up at the appointment my doctor said "for some people it just takes longer". I went out feeling hopeful, but also with a new faith that I just needed to trust in the Lord's timing and plan for us and our family.
Monday, September 21, 2015
beach babe
If you follow my husband and I on social media you would see that we made a pretty big and exciting announcement over the weekend!
Yes, you read that right! 30 weeks until baby arrives! We couldn't be more THRILLED to be welcoming a little beach babe into our family in April 2016 (at least I'm hoping they like the beach, haha)!
I thought I would play catch up on the blog about our journey of getting to this point, how we found out, and about our first appointment. I plan on blogging throughout this pregnancy (and future pregnancies) because to me this is a way of journal keeping and I want to be sure that it's here for me and our children to look back on one day. So if you hate reading about pregnancy/baby stuff you may just want to avoid my blog from here on out because I'm sure that will be what the blog consists of. haha. If you like reading that kind of stuff, keep on checking back! We are SO excited to finally be in this chapter of life!
Yes, you read that right! 30 weeks until baby arrives! We couldn't be more THRILLED to be welcoming a little beach babe into our family in April 2016 (at least I'm hoping they like the beach, haha)!
I thought I would play catch up on the blog about our journey of getting to this point, how we found out, and about our first appointment. I plan on blogging throughout this pregnancy (and future pregnancies) because to me this is a way of journal keeping and I want to be sure that it's here for me and our children to look back on one day. So if you hate reading about pregnancy/baby stuff you may just want to avoid my blog from here on out because I'm sure that will be what the blog consists of. haha. If you like reading that kind of stuff, keep on checking back! We are SO excited to finally be in this chapter of life!
Sunday, August 9, 2015
3rd Wedding Anniversary
On July 19th we celebrated 3 years of marriage. We were joking the other day that we are pretty sure that means we are officially out of the newly wed stage now. I can't believe how fast these past 3 years have gone by. It seems so short and so long all at the same time.
It's kind of lame when your anniversary falls on a Sunday because it's not like we can go out and celebrate the day of. However, we've made sure to celebrate a little bit each day this weekend. Friday we met up for lunch at California Dreaming. It's located right on the harbor and a place we have been wanting to check out since we moved here. It had a beautiful view and the food was delicious and reasonably priced. So a win-win in my book!
Saturday we had planned to spend the morning at the beach but we only lasted for a hour because it was a miserable day to be at the beach, it was SO hot with no breeze whatsoever. So we headed back home, stopped at the grocery store, took a nap, and did house chores. Such a typical adult day! haha. Later that evening, after our friend's adoption party, we headed downtown and walked along the battery while sipping on a pineapple smoothie from smoothie king. It was the perfect cool down after a long and hot day.
Although it's been a super low key anniversary, it doesn't make it any less special. I'm so grateful to have Brad as my other half each and every day. This past year Brad has shown me over and over again how incredible of a husband he is. He is so patient with me even when I don't deserve it. Each day I strive to be a better wife because I know that's what he deserves. I'm so thankful that we have each other to lean on as we go through hard times together. I will always be his number one fan and I can't wait to see what is in store for us this next year of marriage.
I usually do a recap video of the past year of our marriage but I've tried about a million times to get it to work and it says I'm having copyright issues with the songs I that's been really obnoxious. I'm really horrible with technology so once I get it figured out I'll come back and post it here!
Hope you guys have had an awesome weekend!
It's kind of lame when your anniversary falls on a Sunday because it's not like we can go out and celebrate the day of. However, we've made sure to celebrate a little bit each day this weekend. Friday we met up for lunch at California Dreaming. It's located right on the harbor and a place we have been wanting to check out since we moved here. It had a beautiful view and the food was delicious and reasonably priced. So a win-win in my book!
Saturday we had planned to spend the morning at the beach but we only lasted for a hour because it was a miserable day to be at the beach, it was SO hot with no breeze whatsoever. So we headed back home, stopped at the grocery store, took a nap, and did house chores. Such a typical adult day! haha. Later that evening, after our friend's adoption party, we headed downtown and walked along the battery while sipping on a pineapple smoothie from smoothie king. It was the perfect cool down after a long and hot day.
Although it's been a super low key anniversary, it doesn't make it any less special. I'm so grateful to have Brad as my other half each and every day. This past year Brad has shown me over and over again how incredible of a husband he is. He is so patient with me even when I don't deserve it. Each day I strive to be a better wife because I know that's what he deserves. I'm so thankful that we have each other to lean on as we go through hard times together. I will always be his number one fan and I can't wait to see what is in store for us this next year of marriage.
I usually do a recap video of the past year of our marriage but I've tried about a million times to get it to work and it says I'm having copyright issues with the songs I that's been really obnoxious. I'm really horrible with technology so once I get it figured out I'll come back and post it here!
Hope you guys have had an awesome weekend!
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
Let Freedom Ring
Although it's already the 7th, I can't not blog about how we spent our 4th of July because it was definitely one to remember.
Since last year we spent the morning of the 4th on the beach, I decided to make that our little tradition. So that morning we headed out to Folly Beach. It was the perfect morning at the beach. We have finally found our "spot" on the beach and just always go to that same spot. We stayed out for 3 hours and then came home to change and get ready for our little BBQ get together with some of our friends.
I wish we would have gotten a picture of all of us together, especially since we were all in patriotic colors. The conversations are always so great with that group of friends! I always end up laughing so hard my stomach hurts.
After the BBQ we headed to River Front Park, on the old navy base in North Charleston. They have quite the set up there. Complete with an entertainment stage, splash pad, inflatables for kiddos, and my trucks! We met up with some of our closest friends that we've made here in Charleston.
The weather was beautiful up until about an hour before the fireworks were scheduled to start. They made an announcement saying we all had to evacuate the park and find shelter. UHHHH WHAT?!?!?! I was mildly freaking out. So we headed to our friends car and piled in the back seat with their 4 kids to wait out the wind and rain storm. Finally they said everyone could go back into the park and luckily a lot of people left because of the storm so we still got a good spot. We finished the night off by watching incredible fireworks in the rain, under our umbrella with our cute friends. It was a 4th of July to remember.
Denim Bow Skirt//Apartment Eighteen |
Since last year we spent the morning of the 4th on the beach, I decided to make that our little tradition. So that morning we headed out to Folly Beach. It was the perfect morning at the beach. We have finally found our "spot" on the beach and just always go to that same spot. We stayed out for 3 hours and then came home to change and get ready for our little BBQ get together with some of our friends.
I wish we would have gotten a picture of all of us together, especially since we were all in patriotic colors. The conversations are always so great with that group of friends! I always end up laughing so hard my stomach hurts.
After the BBQ we headed to River Front Park, on the old navy base in North Charleston. They have quite the set up there. Complete with an entertainment stage, splash pad, inflatables for kiddos, and my trucks! We met up with some of our closest friends that we've made here in Charleston.
The weather was beautiful up until about an hour before the fireworks were scheduled to start. They made an announcement saying we all had to evacuate the park and find shelter. UHHHH WHAT?!?!?! I was mildly freaking out. So we headed to our friends car and piled in the back seat with their 4 kids to wait out the wind and rain storm. Finally they said everyone could go back into the park and luckily a lot of people left because of the storm so we still got a good spot. We finished the night off by watching incredible fireworks in the rain, under our umbrella with our cute friends. It was a 4th of July to remember.
Sunday, June 28, 2015
Bridal Shower
We just got back from a fun weekend back in Georgia. The whole reason we went was so that I could host a bridal shower for my cute cousin, Shae, who is getting married in 13 days.
Out of all my cousins I am closest to Shae. I am so glad the Stevens moved to Georgia so that we could grow up together and I could be there to watch her love story unfold with Seth. Like every relationship, there were ups and downs, but that's what makes it beautiful. I couldn't be more excited to see the two of them finally tie the knot in 13 days. You can totally tell that Seth adores Shae and that's all that I could want for her because of course I think she deserves the best.
Anyways, back to the shower. Shae's wedding them is shabby chic with blush and navy as her wedding colors. I had such a fun time creating the invites, coming up with games to play, and the food to eat (the best part if we are being honest, haha).
I'm so thankful for all the help I had to make this shower so sweet for Shae. My mom helped me with the decorations and putting fruit kabobs together. My Aunt Sherry (Shae's mom) was so amazing to let us hold the shower at her house and took charge with the majority of the food. And Colby was the perfect photographer for the event and chipped in and helped with food too!
I love putting on parties and this was the best one because it was for my Shae Audrey! :)
Out of all my cousins I am closest to Shae. I am so glad the Stevens moved to Georgia so that we could grow up together and I could be there to watch her love story unfold with Seth. Like every relationship, there were ups and downs, but that's what makes it beautiful. I couldn't be more excited to see the two of them finally tie the knot in 13 days. You can totally tell that Seth adores Shae and that's all that I could want for her because of course I think she deserves the best.
Anyways, back to the shower. Shae's wedding them is shabby chic with blush and navy as her wedding colors. I had such a fun time creating the invites, coming up with games to play, and the food to eat (the best part if we are being honest, haha).
I'm so thankful for all the help I had to make this shower so sweet for Shae. My mom helped me with the decorations and putting fruit kabobs together. My Aunt Sherry (Shae's mom) was so amazing to let us hold the shower at her house and took charge with the majority of the food. And Colby was the perfect photographer for the event and chipped in and helped with food too!
I love putting on parties and this was the best one because it was for my Shae Audrey! :)
Monday, June 22, 2015
This past week I've had 2 people tell me that I've "changed" a lot since we moved here a little over a year ago. Usually that phrase has a negative connotation attached to it, but honestly it couldn't be more of a compliment. I knew that was what the people who told me that I had changed meant too.
Six weeks ago I added a picture on instagram where I got real honest. This past year in Charleston has been full of struggles for me. Full of moments where the phrase "comparison is the thief of joy" couldn't have been more true. I struggled with my self confidence when I felt as all the girls around me were model material and I was just your plain Jane. I struggled figuring out where I fit in within our new ward and making and keeping friends. I struggled with watching my friends go on incredible once in a life time trips while Brad and I took on thousands of dollars in student loans and was working every single day.
I was bitter and in a really hard place in my life. I tried to hide it because that's what we as humans do. We don't want anyone thinking that we are struggling because that might put off the impression that we are weak, and who wants to be weak.
From about August 2014 to February 2015 I worked on myself A LOT. There was a lot of praying and crying going on during those 6 months. I had to get to the point where I could truly be happy. As bad as it sounds I had to stop caring about how other people acted and what they did. It took a long time for me to get there. One day it just clicked that I am the one who is in charge of my happiness. I had to stop comparing for my sanity. I couldn't let things that I couldn't control take over my happiness.
I'm so proud to be have been able to look at those people this week and say "thank you". I think rather then the word "changed" the more accurate phrase would be "you've grown a lot" because that is exactly what I have done. As hard as it was going through that dark time in my life, I'm so grateful for it because I've learned so much.
"You don't find a happy life, you make it" and that's exactly what I plan on doing. I know I will hit bumps a long the road but I'm striving to create the happiest life for Brad and I, and one day our little family.
Six weeks ago I added a picture on instagram where I got real honest. This past year in Charleston has been full of struggles for me. Full of moments where the phrase "comparison is the thief of joy" couldn't have been more true. I struggled with my self confidence when I felt as all the girls around me were model material and I was just your plain Jane. I struggled figuring out where I fit in within our new ward and making and keeping friends. I struggled with watching my friends go on incredible once in a life time trips while Brad and I took on thousands of dollars in student loans and was working every single day.
I was bitter and in a really hard place in my life. I tried to hide it because that's what we as humans do. We don't want anyone thinking that we are struggling because that might put off the impression that we are weak, and who wants to be weak.
From about August 2014 to February 2015 I worked on myself A LOT. There was a lot of praying and crying going on during those 6 months. I had to get to the point where I could truly be happy. As bad as it sounds I had to stop caring about how other people acted and what they did. It took a long time for me to get there. One day it just clicked that I am the one who is in charge of my happiness. I had to stop comparing for my sanity. I couldn't let things that I couldn't control take over my happiness.
I'm so proud to be have been able to look at those people this week and say "thank you". I think rather then the word "changed" the more accurate phrase would be "you've grown a lot" because that is exactly what I have done. As hard as it was going through that dark time in my life, I'm so grateful for it because I've learned so much.
"You don't find a happy life, you make it" and that's exactly what I plan on doing. I know I will hit bumps a long the road but I'm striving to create the happiest life for Brad and I, and one day our little family.
Sunday, June 21, 2015
with a very special love
Today the children in our primary got up and sang a song they have been learning for Father's Day. It goes like this:
The father of our home leads our family
With wisdom's light in all that's right;
My father's good to me.
The father of our home leads our family
With wisdom's light in all that's right;
My father's good to me.
Fathers are so special with a very special love.
They watch us and protect us.
They guide us and direct us
Back to our home above.
They watch us and protect us.
They guide us and direct us
Back to our home above.
I love this so much. I often find that I can't make it through a song about moms and dads without it pulling at my heart strings and I end up balling my eyes out. Growing up has really made me treasure the relationships that I have with each of my parents, but today I'm going to highlight my dad.
My dad holds such a special place in heart. There have been times where I have wondered if he ever felt like I didn't care as much about him because of the amazing relationship I have with my mom. I really hope he didn't because that is not the case at all and it would break my heart. I love him deeply. There is one letter (my love language remember)in particular that my dad wrote to me while I was at girls camp one year that I will treasure forever and think about often. The words he expressed illustrated so beautifully the special love that he has for me.
I'm so thankful to my dad for being the perfect dad to us girls. I'm sure it's every man's dream to have a son that he can play sports with, go fishing, and do other boy activities, but I never felt like my dad wished one of us was a boy. He loves us for who we are, the good and the bad. I remember all the times he would just sit on the couch and let us play beauty shop as we put bows in his hair and did his toe nails. He is the definition of a MAN.
Thank you dad for always calling me Brettly. It never fails to put a smile on my face. Thank you for all the personal conversations we had on our way to and from Valdosta and the airports. They are times I will always hold dear to my heart. Thank you for always "guiding and directing me back to my home above", by example of your faithfulness and dedication to the church. I love you Faddah and hope you've had a wonderful father's day.
Sunday, May 10, 2015
home is where your mom is
This will always be one of my favorite pictures of my mom and I, mostly because I think it really shows how much I think of my mom. I admire and adore her so much. Mother's Day is one of my favorite days because on social media everyone posts about their moms and it always reminds me how thankful I am for mine (and how I wish we had more pictures together).
This past year as a nanny I have gotten a little glimpse as to what the role of "mom" entails. I'm so thankful for a mom who really embraced (and still does) her calling as a mother. I don't remember her ever yelling at me (although I'm sure I thought she was yelling a few times), I don't remember her ever complaining about having to make dinner every night, or take care of sick kids, and keeping up with housework. She still makes sure we are all safe and well taken care of and worries about us girls when things are going just quite right. How wonderful it is to be so loved and cherished. I know she would do anything for any of us.
She is everything I hope to be in a mother. As much as I say I would be happy to have all boys, I want at least one girl so that I can have the same bond with my daughter as I have with my mom. There is nothing like our relationship and saying she is my very best friend doesn't even scratch the surface.
Thanks mom for being there for me through the thick and thin. For always being my biggest fan. My world is a better place because you're in it! I love you!
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
the smallest things take up the most room in your heart
Tonight I lost it on Brad. Now before you go thinking I'm a CrAzY wife let me explain. It may just be because I'm super emotional but I figured I might as well blog about it on a day where I'm feeling super sentimental about my job.
My dad always said do something you love and you'll never work a day of your life. I can honestly say I love what I do. This specific job has stretched and challenged me in so many ways but my heart has never been more full.
They always say you never really know love until you become a parent, and you guys I can't even comprehend that kind of love. My mind is blown just trying to think about it. I love my parents, sisters, and husband more than I could ever imagine and little Ella has opened my eyes to a new kind of love and she's not even mine.
This past month she has done so much growing up, and it's really bittersweet. I came home and just cried thinking back on all that her and I have been through. I started watching Ella when she was little over a month old. I remember those newborn days that were spent just snuggling. I honestly held her all day long, I couldn't get enough of her little sleepy smiles. I also remember how bad her acid reflux was and how there were some days where I would just cry because I knew she was in so much pain and I just wanted to take it all away. I remember when her pediatrician kept telling her parents she would never crawl, I worked on it with her every day just to prove him wrong, and then one day it just clicked and she was a crawling machine. Now she is 9 months old, she's standing on her own, knows how to get up the stairs, and is walking with assistance and my heart doesn't know whether to be so happy that she is thriving or sad that she is growing up way too fast.
It breaks my heart to think that one day, I'm going to have to say good-bye to someone who has become such a huge part of my life, and I think that is why I lost it. Ella is more than just a "job" to me. I sit back and think of the immense love that hopefully one day I'll get to experience with my own children. It's an overwhelming feeling to even think about, it makes my heart feel so full, that one day I will know the kind of love that parents have for their children and I hope that I never take one day for granted, because just with this little glimpse into motherhood I know it goes all too fast. Luckily I'll get to keep them for eternity! ;)
I'm so thankful to be a woman, to have the divine calling to be a mother one day. I truly know that it is the most important thing I will do while on this Earth. I feel so blessed to have a mother who loves me every single day of my life. She is the perfect example of what I wish to be to my children, an incredible mother and best friend.
I know it won't be easy but I'm 110% positive that it will be so so worth it.
My dad always said do something you love and you'll never work a day of your life. I can honestly say I love what I do. This specific job has stretched and challenged me in so many ways but my heart has never been more full.
They always say you never really know love until you become a parent, and you guys I can't even comprehend that kind of love. My mind is blown just trying to think about it. I love my parents, sisters, and husband more than I could ever imagine and little Ella has opened my eyes to a new kind of love and she's not even mine.
This past month she has done so much growing up, and it's really bittersweet. I came home and just cried thinking back on all that her and I have been through. I started watching Ella when she was little over a month old. I remember those newborn days that were spent just snuggling. I honestly held her all day long, I couldn't get enough of her little sleepy smiles. I also remember how bad her acid reflux was and how there were some days where I would just cry because I knew she was in so much pain and I just wanted to take it all away. I remember when her pediatrician kept telling her parents she would never crawl, I worked on it with her every day just to prove him wrong, and then one day it just clicked and she was a crawling machine. Now she is 9 months old, she's standing on her own, knows how to get up the stairs, and is walking with assistance and my heart doesn't know whether to be so happy that she is thriving or sad that she is growing up way too fast.
It breaks my heart to think that one day, I'm going to have to say good-bye to someone who has become such a huge part of my life, and I think that is why I lost it. Ella is more than just a "job" to me. I sit back and think of the immense love that hopefully one day I'll get to experience with my own children. It's an overwhelming feeling to even think about, it makes my heart feel so full, that one day I will know the kind of love that parents have for their children and I hope that I never take one day for granted, because just with this little glimpse into motherhood I know it goes all too fast. Luckily I'll get to keep them for eternity! ;)
I'm so thankful to be a woman, to have the divine calling to be a mother one day. I truly know that it is the most important thing I will do while on this Earth. I feel so blessed to have a mother who loves me every single day of my life. She is the perfect example of what I wish to be to my children, an incredible mother and best friend.
I know it won't be easy but I'm 110% positive that it will be so so worth it.
Sunday, March 29, 2015
March Madness
No, I'm not talking about basketball. I'm talking about how crazy the month of March was for Brad and I. It's hard to believe there are only two more days of this month, where did it all go?!
We have been out of town every single weekend and it's exhausting. I'm so grateful that we are done with our traveling for awhile and that if I want to just stay home and rest I can on the weekends. It's been non-stop and I don't know how people do it, especially when they work full time.
The weekend of the 14th we went back to Georgia for Brad's brother, Drew's wedding. We are glad that Drew and Bailey have finally sealed the deal.
The next weekend I flew back to see some of my college friends tie the knot! I actually introduced them and encouraged D to go for Ann so it was so fun to see them 4 years later becoming Mr. and Mrs. Added bonus was that I got to see a lot of my other college friends too!
This past weekend was the Hinman Dental Conference in Atlanta. I went to nanny my sweet little Ella and Brad attended some of the classes. Out of all of our trips this month, this one was probably one of my favorites. I made extra money and all of our expenses were paid for but that wasn't even the best part! The best part was that it gave me a little glimpse of what it will be like when Brad and I are toting around a little baby of our own. I'm telling y'all, you think you love a man...well add a baby, and the love grows for that man like a million times more.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Easter weekend! We are super excited for General Conference, it's one of my most favorite weekends of the year!
We have been out of town every single weekend and it's exhausting. I'm so grateful that we are done with our traveling for awhile and that if I want to just stay home and rest I can on the weekends. It's been non-stop and I don't know how people do it, especially when they work full time.
The weekend of the 14th we went back to Georgia for Brad's brother, Drew's wedding. We are glad that Drew and Bailey have finally sealed the deal.
The next weekend I flew back to see some of my college friends tie the knot! I actually introduced them and encouraged D to go for Ann so it was so fun to see them 4 years later becoming Mr. and Mrs. Added bonus was that I got to see a lot of my other college friends too!
This past weekend was the Hinman Dental Conference in Atlanta. I went to nanny my sweet little Ella and Brad attended some of the classes. Out of all of our trips this month, this one was probably one of my favorites. I made extra money and all of our expenses were paid for but that wasn't even the best part! The best part was that it gave me a little glimpse of what it will be like when Brad and I are toting around a little baby of our own. I'm telling y'all, you think you love a man...well add a baby, and the love grows for that man like a million times more.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Easter weekend! We are super excited for General Conference, it's one of my most favorite weekends of the year!
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Tuesday Tunes
When I attended college at Valdosta State University I met such an amazing friend, Kelsi. Kelsi is more than just a college friend to me. After I transferred schools we still kept in touch. For one of my birthdays she sent me two mixed CDs. They were such a thoughtful gift especially since now that we have iTunes I feel like CDs are such a rarity.
Anyways, I listened to these CDs every single day on my commute to and from school. I love them because they introduced me to music I probably wouldn't have found or listened to on my own. Those CDs have inspired me to start sharing a few "tunes" I am currently loving on Tuesdays. They might not always be new songs, but ones that I always want on repeat! I hope you guys enjoy and share some songs you are currently loving too because I always like to check out new music!
So for my first ever Tuesday Tunes:
Loving You Tonight--Andrew Allen
Thinking Out Loud--Ed Sheeran
Night Changes--One Direction
Sugar--Maroon 5
Valentine--Kina Grannis
Alright friends, that's all for this week! Leave your current faves below! :)
So for my first ever Tuesday Tunes:
Loving You Tonight--Andrew Allen
Thinking Out Loud--Ed Sheeran
Night Changes--One Direction
Sugar--Maroon 5
Valentine--Kina Grannis
Alright friends, that's all for this week! Leave your current faves below! :)
Sunday, March 1, 2015
Not Always Fun & Games
This past week was a crazy week for me. A sick baby girl made for a REALLY long week and I struggled a lot. I questioned my ability to be a good mom a lot. I'm sure my mom got tired of me calling and complaining/crying to her
everyday this week because as a mom of three she's been there more than a
couple of times. I only get a little glimpse into parenthood since I'm just a nanny but y'all the whole parenting thing isn't all fun and games and this week I definitely experience the not so fun part of parenthood.
The "icing on the cake" this week was when our battery died in the car. Luckily, I was within walking distance to work so I left the car in the parking lot and just walked. After I had put in my hours at work I went back to the park. Brad and I share a car so it's not like I could call and have him come and rescue me (plus he was in class) so I popped the hood of the car and pulled out the cables and basically made myself look really desperate for help. Eventually an older gentleman came and helped me and I could've cried and hugged the guy, I was so thankful. I'm also extremely grateful that my dad is basically a car guru and that I can call him and 99.9% of the time he knows exactly what the problem is and approximately how much it is going to cost to get it fixed.
I have to say that when I am going through trials I am more aware of all of the tender mercies the Lord gives to me. I know He is aware of me and the He knows what I am going through and I am really grateful for that knowledge. I am grateful for the people who listen to the promptings of the Holy Ghost. Who reached out to me and helped me, whether it was something big or just as simple as asking how my day was or listened to me while.
Thankfully I had such a relaxing weekend. Usually they feel like they fly by but this time I am feeling well rested and prepared for this next week. I got a lot of spring cleaning done in our apartment, so hurry up spring, I'm ready for warmer weather! :)
The "icing on the cake" this week was when our battery died in the car. Luckily, I was within walking distance to work so I left the car in the parking lot and just walked. After I had put in my hours at work I went back to the park. Brad and I share a car so it's not like I could call and have him come and rescue me (plus he was in class) so I popped the hood of the car and pulled out the cables and basically made myself look really desperate for help. Eventually an older gentleman came and helped me and I could've cried and hugged the guy, I was so thankful. I'm also extremely grateful that my dad is basically a car guru and that I can call him and 99.9% of the time he knows exactly what the problem is and approximately how much it is going to cost to get it fixed.
I have to say that when I am going through trials I am more aware of all of the tender mercies the Lord gives to me. I know He is aware of me and the He knows what I am going through and I am really grateful for that knowledge. I am grateful for the people who listen to the promptings of the Holy Ghost. Who reached out to me and helped me, whether it was something big or just as simple as asking how my day was or listened to me while.
Thankfully I had such a relaxing weekend. Usually they feel like they fly by but this time I am feeling well rested and prepared for this next week. I got a lot of spring cleaning done in our apartment, so hurry up spring, I'm ready for warmer weather! :)
Sunday, February 15, 2015
Day of Love 2015
Our Valentines Day this year was really low key and I absolutely loved it. Brad had originally made reservations for us to go to lunch downtown but our plans changed once we realized what a mess downtown would be because of the SEWE Exposition going on. I guess the low country takes their wildlife pretty seriously. haha.
On Valentines Eve Brad asked if I would like to go see the sunrise out on the beach the next day. Of course I said yes. I'm a beach lover and will never turn down a trip to the beach even when it was below freezing outside! So we woke up at 6 am and bundled up in our scarves, hats, and coats and headed to Folly Beach to watch the sunrise. I'm so glad it wasn't windy on the beach or else I would have frozen to death. The sunrise was beautiful. The sky was all different shades of pinks, blues, and purples and it was fun to just take time to sit and talk as we were surround by such a beautiful sight. After the sunrise we went and grabbed breakfast at one of the restaurants out on Folly, then came home and exchanged gifts, and climbed back in bed since we got up so early on the one day we have to sleep in. The rest of the day Brad spent studying (who schedules TWO tests for the Monday after VDAY?!), I went shopping for shampoo and conditioner (exciting stuff, I know), and then later that night we met a group of our friends at Longhorn Steak House for dinner and dessert.
Brad did such a wonderful job with Valentine's Day this year. Honestly I couldn't feel more blessed to have him as my forever Valentine. I got a dozen roses delivered to me on Friday, along with a box of Reese's chocolates, and beautiful earrings to replace my anniversary earrings we got in Mexico that turned out to not be made of high quality materials. In the past I have done the 14 days of lays for Brad leading up to Valentine's Day but this year I decided to take a different route and went with just the 5 days before ending on the actual Valentines Day, I went with the theme of the 5 senses so each day he got a small gift that coordinated with hearing, smelling, seeing, touching, and tasting. It was fun to come up with little gifts for each one that he would enjoy.
I hope everyone had a lovely Valentine's Day weekend!
Sunday, February 8, 2015
Valentine's Day Couples Dinner
When we lived in New York we had friends in our ward who hosted a valentines couples dinner each year and I loved this idea and decided to steal the idea and make it one of our traditions! So last night we hosted the first annual Valentine's Day Couples Dinner hosted by the Schmidt's! ;)
Honestly I had SO much fun planning this and it turned out so wonderfully! I love a good party complete with cute decorations, good food, fun games, and wonderful company. Our apartment is a cozy one bedroom so it was a small group, and while we wish we could have had more friends over, we were thrilled with the turnout that we had!
We kept the menu and served soups (potato & chili), salads (ceaser & spinach mix), bread (corn bread & rolls), and asked everyone to bring a dessert to share. Which worked out perfectly! We played a "how well do you know him/her game" and the newlywed game which always makes for a good time.
Each couple left with a mixed CD of love songs and some pictures in our "photo booth". Brad and I had such a fun time compiling a disc of romantic songs. And let's be honest I love any excuse to pose with silly props, Brad secretly wishes we never took pictures, but at least he always willingly cooperates.
I'm so glad we have started this tradition and I can't wait until next February to host another one! ;)
Honestly I had SO much fun planning this and it turned out so wonderfully! I love a good party complete with cute decorations, good food, fun games, and wonderful company. Our apartment is a cozy one bedroom so it was a small group, and while we wish we could have had more friends over, we were thrilled with the turnout that we had!
We kept the menu and served soups (potato & chili), salads (ceaser & spinach mix), bread (corn bread & rolls), and asked everyone to bring a dessert to share. Which worked out perfectly! We played a "how well do you know him/her game" and the newlywed game which always makes for a good time.
Each couple left with a mixed CD of love songs and some pictures in our "photo booth". Brad and I had such a fun time compiling a disc of romantic songs. And let's be honest I love any excuse to pose with silly props, Brad secretly wishes we never took pictures, but at least he always willingly cooperates.
I'm so glad we have started this tradition and I can't wait until next February to host another one! ;)
Mancub Turns 28
I know, I know, I'm way behind on blogging. Slacker wife of me to not post a sappy love note to the hubs on his birthday. This year we didn't do anything too crazy because Brad needed to study for his 4 tests the following week (which he ROCKED by the way, so proud of my smartie pants husband)! Thankfully he took the night off from studying and we put to use a gift card that my bosses got us for Christmas.
It was so fun to dress up for a nice, romantic, dinner that was all on the house. We went to Hall's Chophouse here in Charleston which is one of the top rated restaurants here. It's a place we never would have gone to because it's definitely not in our student budget but thanks to my generous bosses we didn't have to worry about money for a night. For those of you who are looking for a steakhouse and have some money to spend I would HIGHLY recommend this place. Everything was so perfect, the staff is incredible and the food was amazing.
Earlier in the day I had made Brad's favorite cake for his birthday and we were planning on eating it after we got home. We were so full though that we just decided to wait until Saturday to dig into the cake! haha.
I'm so grateful I got to celebrate my mancub being in my life and him getting older, wiser, and better looking!
It was so fun to dress up for a nice, romantic, dinner that was all on the house. We went to Hall's Chophouse here in Charleston which is one of the top rated restaurants here. It's a place we never would have gone to because it's definitely not in our student budget but thanks to my generous bosses we didn't have to worry about money for a night. For those of you who are looking for a steakhouse and have some money to spend I would HIGHLY recommend this place. Everything was so perfect, the staff is incredible and the food was amazing.
Earlier in the day I had made Brad's favorite cake for his birthday and we were planning on eating it after we got home. We were so full though that we just decided to wait until Saturday to dig into the cake! haha.
I'm so grateful I got to celebrate my mancub being in my life and him getting older, wiser, and better looking!
curing the winter blues with a beach trip
Winter can be a rough season. However, I'm SO glad that we are in the south this winter instead of snowy Syracuse. The cold still gets old after awhile. A couple of Sundays ago it was a little warmer than usual and I was getting some serious cabin fever because it had been chilly and rainy all week. Brad had a lot of tests coming up but somehow I convinced him to take a little break and go walk on Folly Beach.
I'm a beach lover, always have been. Anyways, so as we were walking the beach we were looking in all the little tide pools we counted 15 starfish. YES you read that right, FIFTEEN starfish. They were all alive too and so beautiful. It was so neat, I was literally running to Brad every time I found another one saying "this is the BEST day ever!" I guess it doesn't take much to please me. I wanted to take one (or a few if I'm being honest) home so badly but I controlled myself! This is probably the most random blog post but I just had to document it. I will probably never encounter 15 starfish again, especially not all in one day.
Friday, January 16, 2015
I have high hopes for you
Feels so weird to type that still and I honestly can't believe how fast time flies. Like stated in the title of this post I have high hopes for the year 2015. I think it will be the best one for Brad and I, and that's saying a lot because 2014 was REALLY good to us.
I told y'all I would share my goals for this year with y'all so here goes:
1. Spend less time on social media. I have recognized that I spend too much time on social media and I don't benefit from it at all. Social Media is good for many reasons but most of the time I am wasting quality time I could be spending with loved ones and getting jealous and bitter because of the appearance that other people's lives are perfect. If I'm being honest I have totally failed so far with this goal and it's only January. It's a good thing I still have 11 more months to get better at it, right?!
2. Be consistent with health and fitness. I know, I know. Everyone always makes a fitness goal. I am trying to just be conscious and consistent on how I treat my body. Health and Fitness is so important and I really want to get into the routine of making this a top priority. So far I have totally rocked this goal and it makes me really happy. They say it takes 21 days to make a habit, so hopefully I'm almost there. What I'm missing most--sweet treats and bread!
3. Find the joy in the journey. It's so easy to just go through the motions of life or get stuck on petty little things that don't matter. This year I'm really trying to keep a positive outlook (besides my emotional break down today I've done pretty good), stress less, and choosing to stay away from drama (can't believe I'm still having to deal with this in my 20s).
Here is to 2015. Can't wait to see what this year bring us! :)
Feels so weird to type that still and I honestly can't believe how fast time flies. Like stated in the title of this post I have high hopes for the year 2015. I think it will be the best one for Brad and I, and that's saying a lot because 2014 was REALLY good to us.
I told y'all I would share my goals for this year with y'all so here goes:
1. Spend less time on social media. I have recognized that I spend too much time on social media and I don't benefit from it at all. Social Media is good for many reasons but most of the time I am wasting quality time I could be spending with loved ones and getting jealous and bitter because of the appearance that other people's lives are perfect. If I'm being honest I have totally failed so far with this goal and it's only January. It's a good thing I still have 11 more months to get better at it, right?!
2. Be consistent with health and fitness. I know, I know. Everyone always makes a fitness goal. I am trying to just be conscious and consistent on how I treat my body. Health and Fitness is so important and I really want to get into the routine of making this a top priority. So far I have totally rocked this goal and it makes me really happy. They say it takes 21 days to make a habit, so hopefully I'm almost there. What I'm missing most--sweet treats and bread!
3. Find the joy in the journey. It's so easy to just go through the motions of life or get stuck on petty little things that don't matter. This year I'm really trying to keep a positive outlook (besides my emotional break down today I've done pretty good), stress less, and choosing to stay away from drama (can't believe I'm still having to deal with this in my 20s).
Here is to 2015. Can't wait to see what this year bring us! :)
Sunday, January 4, 2015
"What if Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more."
I should probably make a goal to blog more. Brad and I have spent the last hour reading through past posts and I just have to say it has been SO fun...and let's be honest I cried during both the anniversary recap videos--I'm a sucker for romance and love, especially mine and mancub's love story. It's crazy to see how much we have done in the short time we've been together. Blogging should for sure be one of my New Year Resolutions.
Anyways. Let's chat about Christmas for awhile shall we. This Christmas was one of the best for me. It was so fun because my WHOLE family was actually together to celebrate, talk about the best present ever. It's been a long time since that has happened and we took advantage of all the time together. I can't believe that we didn't get one single picture of all of us together!
The first night we got there we went to Pine Mountain to go on a train ride to see lights. My niece loves trains so this night was all about her. And although the line to get on the 15 minute train ride was hours long it was fun to chat with my family and soak in all the cute things my niece did. You guys, she was blowing kisses at frosty the snowman. Seriously, if that isn't the cutest thing ever I don't know what is.
One of the days my dad took us all to the shooting range. I was totally freaking out before hand because I have never shot a gun before. It's a good skill to have so I wanted to learn, I was just so worried about all the things that could go wrong. Anyways, I ended up having such a fun time. Plus, I loved getting to see all the guys in the family bond over guns.
On Christmas Eve the Steven's Family came down and we had a Cafe Rio style lunch and did our traditional gingerbread houses. It was so fun to see them and catch up. Afterwards we opened presents (my parents went all out and spoiled us rotten) and later watched the Polar Express. After that we left cookies and Dr. Pepper for Santa and then went to bed. On Christmas Day my older sister and her cute family had to leave to go back to Utah. It made me so sad. I wish we could have had more time together!
The rest of the week was just spent between hanging with my family and going to do Christmas celebrations with Brad's side of the family. I can't believe how fast the week went by and it was bitter sweet to come back to Charleston! I'm already looking forward to the next time we are all together again.
Sometime this week I'll be posting about my goals for 2015. I have high hopes for this year and am really going to try to become the best version of myself. I would love to know what everyone else's goals are! Happy New Year to each and every one of you!
Anyways. Let's chat about Christmas for awhile shall we. This Christmas was one of the best for me. It was so fun because my WHOLE family was actually together to celebrate, talk about the best present ever. It's been a long time since that has happened and we took advantage of all the time together. I can't believe that we didn't get one single picture of all of us together!
The first night we got there we went to Pine Mountain to go on a train ride to see lights. My niece loves trains so this night was all about her. And although the line to get on the 15 minute train ride was hours long it was fun to chat with my family and soak in all the cute things my niece did. You guys, she was blowing kisses at frosty the snowman. Seriously, if that isn't the cutest thing ever I don't know what is.
One of the days my dad took us all to the shooting range. I was totally freaking out before hand because I have never shot a gun before. It's a good skill to have so I wanted to learn, I was just so worried about all the things that could go wrong. Anyways, I ended up having such a fun time. Plus, I loved getting to see all the guys in the family bond over guns.
On Christmas Eve the Steven's Family came down and we had a Cafe Rio style lunch and did our traditional gingerbread houses. It was so fun to see them and catch up. Afterwards we opened presents (my parents went all out and spoiled us rotten) and later watched the Polar Express. After that we left cookies and Dr. Pepper for Santa and then went to bed. On Christmas Day my older sister and her cute family had to leave to go back to Utah. It made me so sad. I wish we could have had more time together!
The rest of the week was just spent between hanging with my family and going to do Christmas celebrations with Brad's side of the family. I can't believe how fast the week went by and it was bitter sweet to come back to Charleston! I'm already looking forward to the next time we are all together again.
Sometime this week I'll be posting about my goals for 2015. I have high hopes for this year and am really going to try to become the best version of myself. I would love to know what everyone else's goals are! Happy New Year to each and every one of you!
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