Sunday, January 27, 2013

Domestic Goddess Has A Panic Attack

Hello from the Schmidt house! It's Sunday which makes the perfect blogging day. I've been meaning to blog a lot lately but every time I sit down to blog I either a) get writers block or b) think we don't do anything blog worthy. But hey who cares. It's our life and we love it! 

This weekend was pretty awesome and low key all at the same time. On Friday night we ended up eating at Red Robin (one of our favs) and then came home and played games. I totally won both times! Awesome. On Saturday morning I woke up with a serious craving for cinnamon rolls, so that turned it to an all morning ordeal but they were delicious and oh so worth it. After realizing how much they would make we decided to take some to our neighbor. She is seriously the best! I love her and she always takes care of us. Later that night we headed to the gym to burn off all those cinnamon roll calories, we ended up running a whole 5k. I was overjoyed since that is what we are training for and I did it without walking and its only January and that was after taking like a week off. Now we just need to improve our time!

Sunday was church day, and let me tell you I am all churched out after today. I had to give a talk today, I don't mind giving talks but I get oh so nervous. I don't even know why. But it went well and its over and done with! Once I got to Sunday school I got asked to sub for primary, I had to politely decline because it was my first Sunday for my new calling as the Young Women's second counselor. I really feel like this calling is going to be really challenging and rewarding all at the same time. After church we had about a hour to eat lunch before it was off to a church youth activity. Brad is the second counselor of the Young Men's presidency so with both of us in the presidencies we will probably get to go to ALL the activities. So 9-5 we were at church. Talk about a long day! Once we got home, we finally ate dinner. We had a roast. I'm telling you I was a domestic goddess this weekend, cinnamon rolls, clean house, pot roast...what more could a guy ask for?!

This coming week is a big one in our house, my sweet mancub turns the big 2-6! Geeze louise he is getting old! haha. There will be a post all for that cute boy this week! Other than that I may have a panic attack by how much I have to do this week. I have a doctors appointment, two midterms (one is over 8 chapters and the other is over 3 chapters we haven't even read yet) one on Wednesday and one on Thursday. I will be so glad when the weekend rolls around!

And just because a blog post isn't complete without a picture here is the most recent of B squared :

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