Thursday, October 25, 2012

This Girl

Means so much to me 
Not only a sister, but a best friend.
She has truly bloomed into such a lovely young lady.
A girl, who everyone should want as their best friend.
One who is so loyal, and stands up for what's right.
Someone who will always reach out and stick up for the underdogs.
I feel honored to be the big sister of such an incredible girl.
A girl who always thinks of others, and was always willing to accompany me to the nursing home.
The people at the assisted living are so lucky to get to have her every Saturday. Tell me how many teenagers you know spending their weekends at the local old folks home.
I can't believe little Colby isn't so little anymore and is a senior in high school.
Just the other day I was taking her to freshman orientation and her teacher asked if we were twins, and in May she will be graduating from high school. Where does the time go? 

Miss Colboa I love you so much and I am so proud of the lady you are becoming. You are such an inspiration to me and are constantly making me want to become a better person. You deserve all the happiness in the world, and will go far in life. Believe in yourself, and know that you are a beautiful daughter of God, you were sent to this Earth for a reason, so reach your full potential. You are my sunshine! Never stop being that ray of light, it affects more people than you know!  

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